Chapter 13: Say Your Vows (Jennie 24; Rosé 27)

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The day had finally arrived. Jennie stood in front of the mirror, her reflection a vision in white. The gown hugged her figure perfectly, the lace detailing shimmering under the soft light of the dressing room. Her heart fluttered as she thought about the life she was stepping into, a life she had chosen. The venue was decorated with simplicity and taste—white roses lined the aisle, their fragrance delicate and pure, while candles flickered gently, casting a warm glow over the scene. It was a small wedding, intimate, with only close family and friends present. That was how Jennie wanted it—no grand gestures.

As she walked down the aisle, her father by her side, Jennie's heart beat with a blend of excitement and nervousness. She glanced around, taking in the faces of those who mattered most to her. Her parents sat in the front row, her mother dabbing at her eyes with a tissue, her father standing tall and proud.

Then, her gaze locked with Minwoo's. He stood at the altar, his eyes never leaving hers, his expression a mix of love and awe. The world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them, the noise of the crowd fading into a distant murmur.

As she reached him, Minwoo leaned in close. "You look breathtaking," he whispered, his voice trembling slightly with emotion.

Jennie smiled, her heart skipping a beat. "I can't believe we're here," she replied with a nervous smile, her voice carrying the echoes of the doubts and fears that had surfaced occasionally throughout the day.

The ceremony began, the officiant's words a gentle murmur in the background. Jennie's thoughts wandered, slipping into memories of her past, moments that had led her to this very point. The uncertainty she had once felt seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a deep-seated contentment. This is it, she mused.

Minwoo's voice pulled her back to the present as he began to speak his vows. His words were steady, each one a promise, a commitment to the life they would share together. Jennie listened, her heart swelling with each declaration of love. When it was her turn, her voice was equally firm, every word sincere. But as she spoke, she couldn't shake the whisper of her past, a faint flicker of the girl she once was. The doubts crept in, but she pushed them away. Was she really going to spend her life with a man? The question lingered for a short while, but she buried it deep, focusing on the present. It's just cold feet. It's just cold feet.

When they exchanged rings, Jennie felt a tangible shift within her. The weight of her past seemed to slip away with each passing second. As Minwoo slid the ring onto her finger, she felt a deep sense of finality, but also a new beginning. Their kiss sealed their vows, and in that moment, Jennie felt a peace she hadn't known before. I've made it, she thought, the realization washing over her. This is where I'm supposed to be.

The reception was full of laughter, music, and joy. The dance floor was filled with guests, their happiness infectious. Jennie and Minwoo swayed together, their first dance as husband and wife. Minwoo pulled her close, his arms wrapped around her.

"Are you happy?" he asked, his voice gentle, almost hesitant, as if afraid of the answer.

Jennie looked up at him, her heart full. "I am," she said, and she meant it. "I'm more than happy."

Relief washed over Minwoo's features, his smile widening. "Good. Because I've been waiting for this day for so long."

Jennie leaned her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. It was a sound she had grown to love. He's been my constant, my rock, she thought, her mind drifting back to the days when her life had felt so uncertain, so chaotic. He's the one who's been here, helping me through everything.

As the evening wore on, the laughter and music filled the space with an almost magical energy. It all felt so perfect, so right. But there was a part of her that still couldn't help but think about what might have been—the life she had left behind, the girl she had been.

Later, as she stood on the balcony, the cool night air brushing against her skin, Jennie gazed out at the starry sky. The noise from the reception had faded, and for the first time that day, she felt truly alone with her thoughts.

Minwoo joined her, slipping his hand into hers, their fingers intertwining naturally. "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked, his tone light but filled with curiosity.

Jennie sighed softly, leaning onto him. "Just thinking about how far we've come. How different things are now."

Minwoo nodded, his eyes reflecting the understanding that only comes from truly knowing someone. "You've changed so much, Jennie. But in all the best ways. I love you so much."

Jennie smiled, grateful for his words. "I just... I'm glad I'm here with you. That we're starting this life together."

"And I'm glad you chose me," he said, his voice filled with sincerity as he kissed the top of her head. "You're everything I've ever wanted."

As they stood together, watching the celebration below from the balcony, Jennie felt a contentment she hadn't known before. The world she had once yearned for seemed so far away now, almost like a dream. The life she had built with Minwoo was the one she had always wanted, even if it had taken her a while to recognize it. The doubts and fears that had surfaced earlier in the day seemed to melt away, replaced by a quiet certainty.

"I love you," she whispered, squeezing his hand

"I love you too," he replied, pulling her closer, their silhouettes merging into one against the backdrop of the night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: 16 hours ago ⏰

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