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Rosé was a top idol in the K-pop industry. As one of the most popular idols of her time, her influence was undeniable—her every move followed by millions, her every song turning into an instant hit. The world watched as she captivated audiences with her powerful voice, striking visuals, and the kind of stage presence that made hearts race and dreams ignite. In a sea of adoring fans, there was one who stood out—Jennie.

From the beginning, Jennie had been more than just a casual listener; she was Rosé's biggest fan, a dedicated follower who lived and breathed everything related to the idol. She was there for every comeback, every fanmeet, every live performance that she could attend.

But then, one day, Jennie disappeared. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. She stopped attending events, her fan accounts went silent, the once-busy streams of posts and comments now eerily quiet. Social media, where she had once been so active, was suddenly devoid of her presence.

Rosé noticed. How could she not? Among the countless faces in her audience, Jennie's had been one she had grown accustomed to seeing. The absence was felt, a subtle but persistent question that stayed in the back of her mind. Where had Jennie gone? Is she okay?

As time passed, Rosé's career continued to soar, but the question of Jennie's disappearance remained a small, nagging thought.

Time went by, and Rosé's fame grew even more. She became not just a star, but a legend in the making. However, the pressures of such a life began to take their toll. The spotlight was bright, but it cast long shadows, and Rosé found herself battling with the darker side of the idol life. It was during this period that Rosé decided to step away, taking a hiatus to find herself again, to heal from the wounds that fame had inflicted.

Jennie had moved on from her days as a fan, or so she thought. Something triggered her old self, and suddenly she was booking tickets to Rosé's comeback concert.

As Jennie grappled with her past and present, Rosé was doing the same. The hiatus had given her time to reflect, to understand who she was outside of the persona the world knew.

Their eventual reconnection was not just about two people meeting again; it was about finding themselves through each other. In Jennie, Rosé saw hope once again and gained her strength back. And in Rosé, Jennie rediscovered a part of hers that she had thought was lost forever.

Their journey together, though unexpected, became a story of healing, of second chances, and of the enduring power of music and connection. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most meaningful relationships are the ones that are forged in the unlikeliest of situations and that the ties that bind us can transcend time, distance, and even the boundaries between idol and fan.

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