Chapter 1

31 2 4

Author's pov***

Y/N is Jungkook's foster sister, his parents adopted her when she was 5. Now Y/N and Jungkook have been living alone by themselves for quite some time.


Jungkook is on a live stream with his friends...

“Hm.. Oh hey, need something?” Jungkook asked. He was on a live stream, and you usually didn’t bother him then.

Y/N: Can I get a kish pwease

“A kiss..?” He asked, looking at the chat to see everyone spamming ‘No’ and ‘She’s a minor!!!’

Y/N: Pwease a kish

“Why do you want a kiss..?” He asked, looking away from the chat and to you instead.

Y/N: Can't I get one?

“No, you’re 15..” Jungkook said firmly, his eyes going back to see people spamming ‘Don’t do it!’, ‘She’s your sister wtf!!’

*Y/N starts crying*

“Hey hey don’t cry..” He instantly said, sighing and standing up before going over to you and pulling you into a tight hug.

Y/N: You didn't give me a kish

“You’re my little sister! I can’t just kiss you..” He explained, resting his chin on your head.

Y/N: Not even on the cheeks
*looks at him with big innocent eyes*

“No..not even on the cheeks. Why do you even want a kiss so badly..?” He asked, one hand moving up to ruffle your hair.

Y/N: I just want it (whines)

“You can’t always have everything you want.” He explained, his hand moving to your cheek to wipe the tear that was streaming down it.

Y/N: Okay

“I don’t like seeing you cry..” He muttered, pulling you closer to his chest, his free arm wrapping around you to hold you tight against him.

Y/N: I want a boyfriend

“You’re too young for a boyfriend..” He spoke, resting his chin on your head again.

Y/N: Everyone has a boyfriend

“I didn’t have a girlfriend when I was 15..” He said, still keeping you held against his chest as he began walking to the couch and sitting down with you.

Y/N: Do you have one now?

“Yeah, I do.” He said quietly, his hand moving from your cheek to wrap around your waist when you settled down on the couch next to him.

Y/N: What's her name ?

“Her name is Jiwan..” He replied, a small smile on his face as he spoke of her.

Y/N: Do you love her more than me?

“Of course not.” Jungkook quickly said, one hand moving to your chin as he tilted your head up to look at him. “I love you more than anything in the entire world, nothing could ever change that.”

Y/N: I thought I'll be your girlfriend when a grow up
*says innocently with tears in her eyes*

“Ah shh.” He cooed, his hand now gently wiping the tears that were falling from your eyes. “No, you can’t be my girlfriend.. you’re my younger sister and I’d never do anything like that to you..”

Y/N: Can't you forget that I'm your sister?
We aren't even real siblings...

“Adoptive siblings are still siblings..” He mumbled, both of his hand now moving to wipe the tears that continued to fall. “And I can’t forget that you’re my little sister..”

Y/N: Please I want you
Please don't break my heart

“Baby..” He suddenly muttered, his hand moving to caress your cheek. “You’re only 15.. you’re too young..”

Y/N: I'll wait for you for more years
*looks at him with pleading eyes*

“You can’t wait 10 years for me..” He mumbled, now pulling you a bit closer. “You need to find someone while you’re still young..”

Y/N: Why do I have to wait 10 years huh
Waiting for 3-4 years isn't enough?

“Even 3 years is too long..” He mumbled quietly, his hand on your cheek moving down to your waist, holding you close.

Y/N: I can wait that long to be your girlfriend pwease

“You shouldn’t have to wait that long..” He mumbled, his hand on your waist tightening a bit. “You should be going out and finding a man who is at an appropriate age for you..”

Y/N: You are the only one I want pwease

“Shh..” He shushed, placing his index finger against your lips to stop you from continuing as he shook his head slightly. “You don’t know what you’re asking for..”

Y/N: I'll go very far away from just wait...
Then don't cry n miss me

“No!” He suddenly exclaimed, one of his hands moving to your wrist, holding it tight enough that you couldn’t walk away from him. “’re not going anywhere..”

Y/N: I swear I'll go away without even telling you if you don't let me be your girlfriend when I grow up

“No, you won’t..” He said, now bringing his second hand up to hold your other wrist, pulling you to sit on his lap instead. “You’re going to stay right here..”

Y/N: Only if you promise

“Promise what?” He asked, both his hands still holding your wrists, holding you against his chest.

Y/N: That I'll be your girlfriend when I grow up

“You’ll really wait 3 years for me?” He asked quietly, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist, pulling you closer against him.

Y/N: (nods)

“You could find someone else who’s better for you..” He pointed out, his hands now rubbing up and down your sides.

Y/N: I only want you

“You’re only saying that because you’re young and hormonal.” He pointed out, his mouth close to your ear as he spoke.

Y/N: No you are telling me this because you don't want to break up with your girl

“Jiwan isn’t the only reason I’m trying to convince you this is a bad idea.” He replied, his hands still rubbing up and down your sides, keeping you on his lap.

Y/N: Fine...Stay with your Jiwan

“Don’t pout at me..” He mumbled, his hand moving down to your waist as he pulled you to sit back against his chest. “You really think I’m going to break up with my girlfriend for you?”

To be continued....

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