Chapter 2

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Y/N: You would if you love me
Otherwise don't keep telling me that you love me the most

“I can love you more than anything without it being a romantic kind of love..” He muttered, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist so you couldn’t escape from his lap.

Y/N: But I want a Romantic kinda love.

“You’re 15, you don’t know what you want..” He mumbled, nuzzling his head against the crook of your neck again.

Y/N: I said I'll wait.

“3 years is too long..” He mumbled, holding you close and burying his head against your shoulder.

Y/N: *gets up from his lap*
We'll see after 3 years

*goes in her room and locks it up from inside*

“Unlock the door right now.” He called out, quickly standing up and walking over to your door, knocking loudly.

Y/N: Why?

“I want you to open the door..” He mumbled, standing in front of the door and resting his forehead against it. “Please..”

Y/N: (Opens the door)

He immediately pushed the door open, walking inside and shutting it behind him. “Sit.” He mumbled, pointing to the bed.

Y/N: *sits on the edge of the bad nervously*

He walked over and sat down next you, looking over at you with a stern face. “We need to discuss something..”

Y/N: Yes?

He sighed quietly, turning his body so he was completely facing you with a stern look on his face. “You have to stop with this whole wanting to be my girlfriend thing..”

Y/N: Why?

“You’re too young.. and I have a girlfriend..” He mumbled, looking down at the bed instead of meeting your eyes.

Y/N: *tears dwell up in her eyes at the mention of his girlfriend again*

He instantly looked up at you, seeing the tears in your eyes. He wanted to stay firm with you but he hated seeing the tears. He quickly pulled you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist again to keep you held against him.

“Hey, don’t cry..” He muttered, his arms holding you tight against his chest as he brought a hand up to run it through your hair, caressing softly as he tried to calm you down.

Y/N: You have no right to tell me not to cry after rejecting me so brutally.

“It’s not brutal, it’s the truth..” He pointed out, resting his chin on your head as he held you against his chest, his hand continuing to run through your hair to try and soothe you. The sight of you crying was killing him on the inside.

Y/N: Are you really happy with her?
*sobs and sniffles*

“Yes, I am.” He mumbled, his hand moving down from your hair so he could gently caress your cheek, wiping away your tears.

Y/N: Does she really makes you that happy?

“Yeah, she does..” He said quietly, both of his hands now cupping your cheeks to try and wipe your tears. “..why do my feelings for her bother you so much?”

Y/N: Because it should be me...not her

“Why should it be you?” He mumbled, his hands squeezing your cheeks before letting go, his hands going down to hold your waist since you were still on his lap.

Y/N: Because I loved you first

“You’re too young to be talking about love..” He mumbled, his hands rubbing up and down your sides to soothe you. “Shh, stop crying..”

Y/N: happy with her
*falls completely silent and numb*

He frowned at the sudden change in behavior, now moving his hands to your cheeks again and tilting your head up so you were facing him. “Hey.. don’t act like that..”

Y/N: I'm not acting like anything

“You are, you’re being quiet and cold now..” He mumbled, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I don’t like it..”

Y/N: I don't like so many things either
But I'm just tolerating them aren't I

“Stop it..” He mumbled, his fingers squeezing your cheeks as he held your chin to keep you looking at him. “You’re pouting again..”

Y/N: I want to be alone for sometime please

“I don’t want to leave you by yourself right now.. not when you’re acting like this..” He mumbled, shaking his head as he spoke.

Y/N: Its okay, it doesn't makes much difference when you are physically present here.
I still feel very lonely

He frowned at that, his hands leaving your cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest. “Don’t say that..”

Y/N: *pushes him away gently and politely*
I don't want to be touched please

He froze at that, flinching back as you pushed against his chest to make him let go. “Why don’t you want me to touch you..” He mumbled, his arms falling back to his sides.

Y/N: Because it only makes things difficult for me
Don't you have any understanding at all

“I don’t understand why it would make things difficult..” He mumbled, frowning again as he looked at you. “You were fine 5 minutes ago, why does it matter now?”

Y/N: Look....I like you...I have feelings for you...but you don't feel the same way.. you have a I'll really appreciate if you keep your distance with me from now on

His entire expression changed at that, his face falling and his shoulders slumped as he processed your words. “’re asking me to pretend like we aren’t even siblings?”

Y/N: I never looked at you like a sibling, I always looked at you like a man

“But I always looked at you as my little sister..” he mumbled, sighing quietly as he looked at you with a sad look in his eyes. “You’re asking me to act like you’re a stranger..”

Y/N: Please...just....just go...
Give me some space please

He was hesitant at first, slowly getting off of your bed and standing up. “..I’ll give you your space..” He mumbled, turning around and silently leaving the room, shutting the door behind him without another word.

He leaned against the wall outside your door, listening silently to hear if you were still crying. He really wanted to barge in and make sure you were okay but he forced himself to stay out and give you some space like you asked.

To be continued...

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