Chapter 8

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*He smiled gently when you spoke, noticing the small tear that had appeared in your eye. He found it endearing how emotional you were getting about the pictures, even though they were just normal pictures of him. He chuckled quietly, reaching up to gently brush away the tear with his thumb.*

"You don’t have to cry, okay? They’re just pictures of me.. all these pictures, and you still get all teary eyed just seeing them.."

Y/N: Yes...because...these pictures will be the only form of you I'm gonna see for next two years...

*He chuckled lightly at that, knowing that you were right. Once you left, these pictures were all you would have of him. Sure, he could send you a couple more in the near future, but it wasn’t the same as seeing him in person. It didn’t help that he would be all alone in the house after you left. He gently ruffled your hair again, smiling at you gently as he spoke.*

"I know, I know.. You’ll be missing me every day, huh?"

Y/N: *nods*

*He smiled as you nodded in response to his question. He knew you would miss him, but the real question was how much. He chuckled quietly as he spoke once again, gently running his fingers through your hair as he spoke in a soft tone, his tone almost teasing.*

"You’re going to be a mess when you get to the airport, aren’t you? I’m just going to be at home, thinking about how you’re bawling your eyes out as you get on the plane.."

Y/N: Yea let's see if you can send me off with a genuine smile

*He chuckled quietly again, his tone still playful as he spoke. He was enjoying himself far too much imagining the prospect of getting to make fun of you right before you left for Another country, wondering how you would react to him poking fun at you.*

"You think I’m going to be able to send you off with a genuine smile on my face? You must not know me very well, babe. I’m not gonna be smiling as I see you tear stained and bawling your eyes out at the airport.."

(*time skips, and it's finally the night before she leaves the next afternoon*)

*He had a sleepless night, knowing you were leaving tomorrow. He was lying on his bed in his room, trying to sleep, but he just couldn’t. There was no use trying though, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to get any rest tonight. After rolling around for an hour or so, he gave up and sat up in bed, reaching over to the nightstand beside his bed and checking the time on his phone. The clock read 12:30am...*

(Y/N gently knocks at his door)

*He heard the knock on his door and raised an eyebrow at the sound. He was confused. It was late, almost one in the morning, why were you knocked his door like this…?*

*The thought of why crossed his mind as he called out to you, speaking just loudly enough so that you would be able to hear him on the other side of the door.*

"Come in.."

Y/N: *enters inside quietly*

*He watched as you entered his room, not saying anything for a moment as he watched you come in. He was curious about why you had knocked on his door at such a late hour. But, he stayed quiet, waiting for you to speak first, listening as you shut the door behind you.*

Y/N: I want to say something...

*He raised an eyebrow as you spoke, looking at you as he waited for you to continue. He had no idea what you were going to say, but he was curious, and he wanted to find out what it was that you wanted to say.*

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