meeting Alice

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Z: is this interaction going to tell me how you survived for this long..and do you know where the elevator is

Alice: the reason I have survived so long is because of those high armor security doors

Z: take us to he control room

(Z's hands turns into a blade them holds it ok her neck)

Alice:  OK OK I WILL...just follow me

(Z gives Doll a head signal to follow)

Doll: you and your violence

Z:you had a better idea let's just get to that elevator

(Alice leads them to the control me and camera system)

Z: well then looks like we can be here for a while

Doll: yeah that seems so

(Z and Doll look at the cameras and see Uzi V and Tessa)

Z: well then guess there..and as expected...without's for the better

Doll: what's that sapost to mean

Z: nothing..

Alice: I'm going to go get them here and salvage them

Z: alright then you go do that me and doll will stay here

(After a few minutes Doll hugs Z and Z is surprised by this as Doll has always been distant...let alone be affectionate)

Z: Doll what are you doing

Doll: I just...need some comfort after everything that has happened

Z: make want me to hug you back or

Doll: that would be...nice..

(Z hugs Doll back and it's a comforting moment between the 2 and it seems like they needed it...and both of them did)

Z: I have...never hugged anyone before

Doll: I can't even keep a serious tone anymore...I just...

(Doll falls asleep)

Z: long has it been since you slept..nevermind..your cute when you sleep anyways so I don't care....

(Z sits against a wall and falls asleep while and hugging cute)

(10 minutes later Alice gets back with V Uzi and Tessa knocked out...Tessa taking the longest to knock out and sees Z and Doll cuddling)

Alice:...I didn't know they liked eachother...I guess they just need one randomly cuddles but the reason is none of my business

(An 30 minutes later all 3 of them wake up bolted to beds and they sit up and one of the first things this see is Z and Doll cuddling)


(Becaue of uzis scream Doll and Z wake up)

Z: AH.....oh..mean

Uzi: why are you sleeping with doll

Doll: I uhhh...none of your business

V: Z i will forget about his if you get us out of here

Z: no can do V

V: J was are a traitor

(Z chookholds V)

Z: my goals are beyond your understanding

(Doll doesn't stop Z and she still hates Doll for killing here parents)

Uzi: Z stop your hurting her

Tessa: Z stop

(Z eventually stops and let's V breath)

Z: anyways...Alice do what you must...I don't care

Alice: alright going to leave

Z: yes me and Doll will leave

Alice: alright then

(Z and Doll leave)

Z: I have a idea

Doll: spill it

Z: we sacrifice ourselves for them


Z: just hear me out...

Doll: sigh...fine

Z: we "sacrifice" ourself  by luring sentinels over when V, Uzi, and Tessa eventually get to the elevator and since they think we're dead they will think there alone down there

Doll: what would that accomplish...I'm just doing this so I can get rid of the solver..i know he is doing this for revenge

(A murder drone drops from the ceiling...more longer hiding who they are)

N: who are you talking about Doll

Doll: woah...N what happened to you

Z: that was always N..he trick everyone who didn't know about cyn's plan

N: well well well Z...I expected you to fal low..hmph..but not this low

Z: and I new you would be a bitch

N: aw that's not nice

(Z sees sentinel watching the interaction and gets a idea and he retracts his hand and it's replace with a few upright swaying wires while his left Is still a blade)

N: what are you planning to do?

Doll: Z..please

Z: don't worry it'll be fine

(Z in the blink of an eye cuts the sentinels head off and attaches it to his right arm the wires connecting to his to the head)

(N rushes towards Z but he just points the sentinels head towards N and fires...N's bootlooped body falls to the ground as if frozen in time)

Z: I told you I would be ok Doll

(Doll hugs Z again and he hugs back)

Doll: good

Z: he Doll you like me or seem...closer to me then usual

Doll: I uhhhh

Z: dont worry...I like you to

(The hug eachother tightly)

Z: we should probably get to the elevator area quickly

Doll: yeah let's go

(A few minutes later N wakes up)

N: it's seems they got away..for now..I will make sure to rip out his core and eat it myself...I wont have to worry because a

(N turns into a centipede)

N: I'll get them next time

(He dissappear into the ceiling)

(Doll and Z go and hide near the elevator waiting for there arrival)

Authors note
I know I said I was not going to make them date but I changed my mind since they have been through so much together

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