Chapter 2 ~ Officially Over

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I just finished taking a shower when my phone started ringing. I didn’t know who would be calling me right now. I was off of work for a while, and my mom and step-dad are on their honeymoon. My siblings and step-siblings are busy with work. I don’t know who it could have been. I quickly put a towel around my body and rushed out of the bathroom to hurry and answer the phone before I could miss it. I made it just in time to see that it was my boyfriend who was calling.

I was in total shock. I wasn’t expecting him to call, and just then, the flashback of catching him in the act came back.


I just came back from Walmart, and I was about to put the groceries in the fridge when I heard a voice come from one of the rooms saying “ Oh, David! Keep going! I love it! ”. I instantly recognized the voice as a female and the name as my long-term boyfriend. I slowly crept towards the room the voice was coming from and realized that it was David and mine’s room. I got heated up instantly.

I started walking faster, and for the first time in forever, I regretted having such a long hallway. I started hearing moans coming from the room, so I started running. Running was a much faster way to get to the room. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I fished through my pocket for the room key. Soon enough, I found it and started working on the lock.

Once I heard the lock click, I opened the door. That’s when I found my boyfriend and step sister on the bed together butt naked.” What the F, David!” I yelled “That’s my step sister!” They instantly sat up and looked at me. They had wide eyes like they weren't expecting me to be here. “ Sheila, I can explain…” he started, but I was already on my way to the door. I was crying the hardest I’ve ever cried in years. How could he, I mean, I loved him. He said he loved me back. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner.

I got in my car and heard him calling my name from the front porch as I drove away.

*Flashback Over*

I didn’t answer the phone, I didn’t want to. Not after what happened. I wasn’t ready to talk to him, but I did need to break up with him.

I changed into my pajamas, and that’s when I realized that these were birthday gifts from him. I started crying the second I realized and even harder when I realized that I’ve been helping him record his music and publish them. I then called my boss and told him that I quit saying that I couldn’t work with them anymore. My boss gave me a nice goodbye and we hung up.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight. I better get some rest if I want to be able to get over this relationship. I got onto the bed and snuggled the blanket tight over my body, and prayed to god that I could have enough courage to end things with David.


I woke up in the morning, the bed soaked with tears as I was crying in my sleep. But not because I dreamt about David but about me getting married. In the dream, I only saw his chest. The guy was in a suit and tie, I was in a beautiful, white, sparkling dress. It was the best day of my life, even if it wasn’t actually real. If only I could find a long-lasting partner like him.

I got a notification on my phone and picked it to see what it was. Turns out it was a text from him. I was hesitant to see what it said because he’ll get a notification that I read the text. My curiosity got the best of me and a few taps later; I was reading the message.

David: Hey Sheila, please give me a chance to explain what happened. I am truly sorry. Just call me or text me back. I love you so much.

Yeah, sure, he does. Then he goes cheating on me with my step sister. I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t know if I should text him or call him. I decided that I should text him so I didn’t have to hear his voice.

Sheila: Leave me alone, will you? We’re done, you hurt me, and I’m not going to go through that again. Goodbye… Mr. Lacrosse.

*Contact Deleted*

As you can tell, I deleted his number from my phone. I felt really proud of myself for blowing him off. I checked to see the time and saw that it was 3:55 PM. I never woke up this late before. This is a first for me, but at least I got tons of sleep in.

I got up from the bed, fixed it, put it back into its original position as a couch, and went to the bathroom to take a nice, warm morning shower. After my shower, I went to the kitchen to see if I could make breakfast… or lunch as it is lunch time. By the time I made it to the kitchen, I saw Jazlynne and my older brother, Micheal (whom she was dating) at the table already eating.

Micheal looked up and saw me walking towards them. “ Hey, Jazzy told me what happened, I’m sorry”. I just shrugged and took his newly refilled bowl of cereal. He gave me a flabbergasted look and got up to make himself a new one. And yes, he’s weird like that, eating cereal for lunch. Even my parents don’t know what they made.

After I finished my cereal, I got up, put the dishes inside the sink, went to the freezer, got a napoleon ice cream tub, went over to the couch, and turned on the TV. I scrolled through many channels before finding one that I liked. I can’t really remember what it was about, though. I was too busy thinking about David.

My brother soon came to watch with me, and we ended up eating all of Jazz’s ice cream. By the time the movie finished, Jazz came back into the apartment with her hand full of mail. When she realized that we ate all her ice cream she was so mad. First, she chased Micheal for letting me even eat ice cream, then she chased me for moping around all day and not getting over that cheater.

It was hard to run around the apartment because the downstairs neighbors would complain that we were making too much noise. Jazlynne eventually calmed down and joined us on the couch. In the middle of the movie that we were watching, I got a call, and when I looked to see who it was, it was the same guy I broke up with over text.

My brother saw who it was too and took the phone. He walked out of the room, and I could hear his calm voice turn into a loud yell. He continued to yell for a few more minutes, and then his voice stopped.

He walked back into the room and gave me back my phone. He didn’t talk for the rest of the day. Later, when it was night, he went back to his apartment.

I walked into Jazz's room and sat on her bed. Jazz didn’t mind. We did it all the time. I lay down on her pillow and take out my phone. I opened my Instagram app and started scrolling through my feed.

After a while, I dropped my phone, and tears started forming in my eyes. I had just seen a picture of David and my step-sister, Alexis, posing for the picture and their lips touching.

Jazz saw that and immediately hugged me, and we cuddled up together. I cried in her arms all night. I cried and cried. I cried an ocean. I cried a storm. I cried a flood. I cried until I had no years left to shed.

Jazz and I sat there until we both fell asleep.
We slept holding each other. Her arms comforted me. I felt safe. I felt safe in this bed. I felt safe in this house. I felt safe in my best friend's arms. I felt safe.  So safe that I could say this:

My family and Jazz are all the love I need.

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