In a new shinobi village called Yamagakure stood an evil team called the Bloodline Conclave a nefarious organization formed by rogue shinobi and disgraced nobility from various clans, united by a singular, malevolent goal: to gather all powerful bloodline users to harness their abilities for world domination.
They believe that by controlling the most powerful bloodline techniques, they can overthrow the current shinobi oligarchy and establish a new world order where only those with bloodline limits are deemed worthy of ruling.
(Inside the Yamakage)
Inside the Yamakage office stood several figure wearing different animal mask to hide their face.
Sir we managed to recruit another bloodline user" A woman wearing a snail mask said as the leader of the organization grinned mischievously as he was wearing a lion mask.
Good put her away in the machine" the leader said as the woman nodded as she left the office.
The leader then turned towards all his members and said.
Alright everyone in five years from now we will enact our plan to gather every bloodline user and harness their powers for our own goal" the leader said.
But why five years" A man who was wearing a weasel mask said (you already know who this person is)
Because if we go right now and start kidnapping bloodline users like its no tomorrow then we will be attracting to much unnecessary attention" A woman said as she was wearing lizard mask.
Aww man five years without action" A man wearing a crocodile mask said in boredom.
Shut up crocodile, you should know better then to undermine our great leader authority" A man wearing a deer mask said in anger.
Shut up and mind your own business deer" Crocodile said in anger when suddenly everyone gasped in shock one they felt a tremendous amount of killer intent coming from the leader.
SILENCE" the leader shouted as instantly everyone went on their knees due to the pressure of the killer intent.
Where are the other members" the leader asked as Weasel stood up and said.
They are currently out on the field conducting research on Otogakure just like you requested" Weasel said as the leader said nothing as he disappeared leaving everyone behind.