day 3

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After the talk

Nate: Yea, let's hope after this...

Loud bang

Nicholas/Felix: What the fuck!

Nate: Take cover!

Everyone gets down, scrambling for any semblance of protection.

Nicholas: What the hell was that bang?!

Felix covers Nicholas's mouth, his eyes wide with fear.

Felix: Shush! I heard footsteps.

Nate, his face grim, grabs his gun from under his desk.

Nate: Take cover! Go to that room, make sure to be quiet. Grab a gun and call for backup. I'm gonna check it out.

Nicholas and Felix exchange a panicked glance before scrambling towards the indicated room. They move with a frantic urgency, their hearts pounding in their chests. The silence in the room is broken only by the sound of their ragged breathing and the echo of their footsteps.

Nate, his hand steady on his gun, cautiously approaches the source of the noise. He moves slowly, his senses heightened, listening for any sign of movement. The air is thick with tension, every creak of the floorboards sending a jolt of adrenaline through his veins.

He reaches the doorway, his eyes scanning the room. He sees nothing at first, but then he notices it - a shadow moving in the corner of the room. His hand tightens on his gun, his finger hovering over the trigger. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

He steps into the room, his gun pointed at the shadow. He waits, his heart pounding in his chest, for the shadow to reveal itself. But the shadow remains still, unmoving. Nate squints, trying to make out what it is. He can't see anything clearly in the dim light. He takes another step forward, his gun still trained on the shadow.

Suddenly, the shadow lunges at him. Nate screams, firing his gun. The room erupts in chaos, the sound of gunfire echoing through the halls. Nate stumbles back, his hand clutching his chest. He looks down at his hand, his eyes widening in horror. He sees blood staining his fingers.

He falls to the ground, his vision blurring. He can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, but he can't see who it is. He tries to speak, but no sound comes out. He closes his eyes, his mind filled with a wave of confusion and fear.

The footsteps stop right beside him. He opens his eyes, expecting to see Nicholas or Felix, but instead, he sees a stranger. The stranger is tall and muscular, his face hidden behind a mask. He holds a gun in his hand, pointed directly at Nate's head.

*The stranger speaks, his voice cold and emotionless. "You should have stayed in the room." He pulls the trigger.

But luckily felix managed to shoot,
the stranger first 

Felix: get on the ground now!!
Put your hand behind your back

Nicholas: *grab nate*

Felix: are you ok?

Nicholas: don't worry i call for backup's...

don't move.. put your hand behind your back....  both of you

the stranger man' how cute you guys are??

*He trigger the smoke alarm*

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