chapter 4 COMING HOME

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As they parked by the Starbucks parking lot, Adrian immediately went in and ordered.

“Uncle, do you want anything? Coffee? Or food?” Vivian asked as she looked at Wilson at the driver’s seat.

“No need, you know this old man can’t drink coffee much. Go have fun with your friend.” Uncle Wilson said as he shooed Vivian to have fun with her friend.

“Alright uncle, we’ll be fast don’t worry.” Vivian reassured as she closed the car doors.

“Vivi, I’ll be fine no worries.” Uncle Wilson said smiling at her.

“Alright uncle..” Vivian said as she left.

When Vivian stepped foot in the coffee shop, she was greeted with Adrian arguing with some random girl.

“Hey! How could you spill the coffee to my friend!” said the random woman.

“Stephanie! It’s fine! We should leave… please?” a girl about her teens begged the random woman known as Stephanie.

“But Iriel! He did it on purpose!” Stephanie spoke with annoyance.

“Um… miss I didn’t even do anything?...” Adrian said confusion in his face.

「ああ、ビビ、もうお気に入りを注文したんだけど...でもこれ。。。ここの女性は私に問題があるようです..") Adrian explained as he was confused at his situation.

(TRANSLATION: “oh, Vivi I already ordered You're favorite… but, this… ladies here seems to have a problem with me..”)

By now, many bystanders have gathered to watch some drama.

“Shouldn’t that guy just apologize to that young lady?” a woman gossiped to her friend as her friend replied back “Yeah, he looks like in his twenties now, bullying a young girl like that…”

“Hey… that guy looks familiar…and that beautiful lady too..” said a young lady in a business suit as she talked with her colleagues.

“Yeah…wait… Isn’t that Vivian??!” a man said in his thirties, clad in a professional suit.

“Yeah! I heard yesterday that she’s arriving by this morning?...” a young woman said in her twenties as they gossiped.

“Wait! That guy must be Adrian the famous designer!!!” a guy with a designer’s outfit said while holding his coffee gossiping to his friend.

“You’re right! That’s why he’s familiar…” his friend said looking in anticipation as to what will happen next.

“Vivi, I swear I didn’t do anything! Well, I completely dodged her when she passed my way!” Adrian said clearly saying the truth.

‘I’m his friend, of course, I know how bad he lies.’ Vivian thought as she looked at the woman.

「ジェレミー...この女性は..彼女は愚かか何かですか」 Vivian spoke back in Japanese as she looked intensely at Adrian. (TRANSLATION: “Adrian… this woman.. is she stupid or something”)

“Lady, can we call the manager?” Vivian asked the woman on the counter.

“Yes lady Vivian.” The cashier said as she left to get the manager.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” the woman, Stephanie yelled at Vivian, completely not recognizing Vivian.

“Stephanie, let’s just forget about it…” Iriel begged trying to pull Stephanie away.

‘This woman… she’s Vivian Rose!.. I knew we shouldn’t have messed with that guy.. he’s actually Adrian Lahuffey.'

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