Chapter Three - Backyard, Hallway, Backyard...Stranger?

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Muneeba gasps as she bends down, picking up a shard of plate. The intricate blue pattern, scratched and chipped away. Her thumb traces a large gash, her face drooping in disappointment. With a sigh she tosses it onto the large pile of debris that sits in the center of the room.

I quietly sweep some rubble towards the pile, keeping my gaze on the floor. The spinning sensation has eased and I no longer feel like I'm constantly going to puke, which was great, but now it just left me feeling utterly confused. Kamala tried sparking a conversation with me multiple times, continuously asking how I ended up here and what was happening, but I was just as confused as her.

After sweeping the last few larger pieces of rubble into the pile, I stand and look around slowly.

I should properly get out of here before things get even weird.

I gently prop the broom to the side, leaning against what was left of the fireplace. I walk towards the back door, pausing to look back at them.

I clear my throat, "I should- I'm gonna go. Apologies for the... mess"

I quickly turn the knob and exit, closing the door behind me before anyone can object. I descend the stairs and make my way onto the grass. I look around, trying to find an exit but found one to no avail. I mentally curse myself, as I debate my options.

Do I go back inside? Do I go back and exit through the front door? Or should I just jump the bushes and climb the fence?

I study the bushes surrounding the fence before groaning in frustration. They were way too tall to climb over.

Why did I go out the back? Could have just used the front door. But no, I've just made it more awkward than it needed to be. Now you have to walk back through there awkwardly just to get to the front door.

I make my way back up the stairs, my hand clasping the door handle. I go to twist it but freeze when I hear the doorbell ring. I heard a mumble of groans and curses from Kamala and her family.

I hesitantly press my ear against the door, attempting to listen in, but the rising feeling starts to brew. I back away from the door, stumbling against the rail.

"No, no, no. Please no." I cry.

I rushed to the grass, shaking my head, as if that was somehow going to help. Needless to say it wasn't, not in the slightest. The feeling continues rising, the nauseating wave of dizziness overpowering my senses. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the ground suddenly shift beneath me.

I stumble forward, rushing straight into the wall. I groan, stumbling back as I rub my face. Where the hell am I?

I turn around multiple times, trying to reevaluate the environment. It was cold, dark, and narrow. Similar to the hallway I had been in earlier, though thankfully this one was clear of guards.

I take a deep breath, attempting to calm myself.

"Okay Y/n, deep breath. You're doing great. This isn't weird at all. You've been in weird situations." I mumble to myself as I walk down the narrow path, my eyes narrowing as I scan for guards.

I close my hands into tight fists, shaking with anxiety as I eyed a nearby corner. I take a deep breath, as my hands fly upwards and into position.

I round the corner quickly, relaxing as I saw no immediate threat. The hallways had been desolate so far, perhaps my luck was finally changing for the better.

Just as my anxiety fades, I'm thrusted sideways.

All I see is a blur of colours as my side crashes onto the grass. The air knocked out of me as I let out a sharp cry.

My head bounces off the ground, ringing loudly. I clutch my side as I try to sit up.

"That would be y/n."

I was certain that was Muneeba's voice. Which means I was back in the Khan's backyard.

" Well, she don't look okay-"

"I'm fine-" I grit out, still clutching my side. Just as I sit back up, I'm thrusted backwards.My eyes squeeze shut as I brace for some sort of impact.

My head hits a cool hard surface.

"WHAT NOW?" I cry, only to tense when I finally open my eyes.

A pair of darkened eyes bore into mine, her lips curling into an evil smirk.

She glances around to numerous guards and to someone behind me, before finally returning her gaze to me.

"And who do we have here? A friend of Captain Marvel, I presume?"

Captain- WHAT?

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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