Chapter Two - Blue Man and Couches

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I let out a loud yelp as I stumble down a staircase. The familiarity of the bus, now completely replaced by a wooden staircase. I wince at every impact, my frame thrashing against the steps as I tumble down, coming to a halt as I slam into a wall.

A sharp ring vibrates in my ear, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath. I'm definitely going to have bruises later.

I draw my hand to my nose as I feel a thick stream running down my lip. My fingers become red as I pull away to examine it. A nosebleed? That's all? Wasn't I just-


I flinch as a blue man swings his blowing spiked bat towards the staircase, smashing the rail to pieces. His eyes glare into mine as he clenches his teeth. I watch, my expression morphing into fear as he goes to swing.

Wha-how- IS HE BLUE?

I duck as his weapon connects with the teal green wall, the plaster flying in a multitude of directions. I scramble off the staircase and towards the fireplace, attempting to find some sort of exit.

My head starts to spin as I hastily take in my surroundings. I hear a loud yell scream from above me, the sound coming closer. I snap my head up, my eyes widening as a man falls towards me.

I move to the side as he collides with the ground, grunting heavily and gripping his weapon tightly. I spot an to the left and attempt to make my way towards it, however multiple people catch my eye.

The blue man swings his weapon towards a young girl, perhaps around my age. My eyes widen and I run forward to do something. The girl raises her hand, forming this strange coloured ice which shields her from the attacks.

I stand still, unsure of what to do. Suddenly the girl forms the ice again, however she disappears, replaced with an older woman.

The other soldier, the one who had fallen, grabs my arm. He pins me to the ground, aiming his weapon. I struggle against him, kicking and thrashing around in his grip.

An older lady throws a vase at him, distracting him as I kick him between the legs and slide out of his grasp.

I crawl forward before standing, I tense as I look around. The other woman, the one who had switched with the girl, becomes a transparent blue as the blue man attempts to stab her.

The rising feeling begins to brew, except quicker this time. The lady doges the attacks and goes to do something, but suddenly I'm thrusted forward.

I stumble forward, running into another man in a similar uniform to the others, however I'm no longer in the living room. Before I can identify where I am, he joists forward, attempting to strike me with his weapon.

I dodge and whack the weapon away from me. I go to throw a punch, however I'm thrusted against a window.

The blood from my nose marks the window and my eyes widen even more as I study the vast open space in front of me. My blood runs cold. Space? Why was I in Space?!

My panic was short lived as I was pulled back into the actions, fighting a woman this time. A taller man with an eyepatch gazes at me, while simultaneously fighting off another person.

"What the Hell is going on kid?" He calls outs, shooting the man down before aiming it at the woman. I manage to push her back against the wall, kicking her in the stomach.

"I have no-"

A couch comes flying at me, I barely duck in time.

I'm back in the living room. I'm starting to feel dazed at this point, and extremely nauseous, but I pushed it down focusing on what's happening.

"Yusuf! Oh!" Shouts a lady in a reddish-pink shirt. She grabs a plate, smashing it over the head of the blue guy. I turn to the couch, running forward and pulling it. I grunt, trying to move it off the man- Yusuf.

The blue man grabs the lady and is about to strike her; however a lady in white, one of the ones that keeps disappearing and reappearing, becomes transparent. She throws one guy across the room, then leaps across to punch him from the other side.

The younger girl instantly reappears, falling to the ground with a grunt. The man flies across the room, knocking the blue guys over like a domino before colliding with a beam.

"Kamala, are you okay?" Calls out the lady in pinkish-red.

Kamala... that was the girl's name.

The girl- Kamala raises her hand and does the 'A-OK' sign. The man with glasses, pats her shoulder.

I pant heavily, my hands on my knees as I try not to puke. My nose has stopped running at this point, however I can still feel the thick blood on the top of my lip.

The woman and Yusuf look over at me questioningly, though in confusion rather than caution. Yusuf sees my expression, he points towards the hallway.

"T-theres a bathroom to the left."

I stand up, attempting to say 'thank you' however my breathing hitches as my face goes green. I rush to the bathroom, shoving the door open as I lunge for the toilet, shoving my head over the bowl as I puke.

The sounds of my puking echoes through the hall, as I empty my stomachs into the toilet.

Perhaps it wasn't just hunger afterall.

I pull back from the toilet and lean against a wall. I close my eyes, attempting to slowly my breathing and take in my surroundings.

What on earth was happening? How did I get here? I was on a bus- We crashed! My bus crashed- but now I'm here- who were those people-what would mum and dad-ohgoshmumanddad-

"Do you know who that girl is, Kamala?" I hear Yusuf ask. I glance down the hallway, and make eye contact with Kamala. She sends me a small smile and wave, I just nod in response before leaning back against the wall.

"No, Abu." She answers honestly. I can hear her about to say something but then they all let out a sharp yelp. My head snaps over only to see them flinching as an orange cat barfs up a a chair.

Did it just- My head begins to spin again. I move back over to the toilet, preparing to vomit again. I close my eyes, trying to focus on my breathing.

A floorboard creaks nearby, I tense and hastily turn around. My hands clenched into fists and my heartbeat drumming in my ears, however I relax when I see the younger man.

He must have lost his glass in the fight.

He looks at me hesitantly.

Right, I'm in their bathroom.

I stand and move out into the hallway as he closes the door. I lean against the wall and take a deep breath.

"Hi!" I jump at the voice, turning to see Kamala. She's around my height, though I think I'm slightly taller.

I answer back awkwardly, 'H-Hi..."

She looks at my face, specifically my nose. I really need to check that out-

"You have some blood-"

I nod quietly. I instinctively go to wipe it off, but it's dry already. "Yer... I took quite a tumble down the stairs.... And the bus flipped so-" Kamala looks at me confused.

"Sorry, I-it's been a long day- I- I should go..." I go to walk past her but pause when I see the state of her living room. I see Yusuf and .... a woman, cleaning the mess. I grab a broom and start helping. It was the least I could do after accidentally putting some holes in the wall.

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