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Jk's pov

I have excused myself from the hospital room.
I made a call to one of my man and told him to do a background check on the gang we fought today. I am pretty sure there are more powerful people behind them.

"Kookie uncle..." I heard a kid's voice while talking through the phone. I turned around the voice's direction. Then I saw the little girl from the mall is running towards me , another one is following behind.
"Okay. I will call you later." I immediately cut the call and took few steps towards their direction.

"Ow..ow.. easy girl" I said while kneeling down to the cuties hight. But what surprised me is she wrapped her tiny hands around my neck. My eyes widened at her action. Ofcourse it is my first time a little kid is hugging me. Probably the first person too.

"Wow!!! Uncle!!! You really got stong musles." I feel some soft touches on my biceps.

"You will get it too when you get bigger." I said smiling towards him while the girl freed me from her grip.

"Yes!! Then I want to be like ionman" the kid seems really excited. But, what!!! he too like ironman like me.
"Why are you both alone again?Where is your parents?" I asked while leading them to a nearby bench.
"We are here with tae uncle and grandma." Little girl replied
"Dada had to go to work "the little boy added.
"What about your mom?"
"We don't have one." It made me sad that they don't have a mother.
But it got immediately replaced with confusion hearing their next statement.
"We have a strong appa" the boy said while showing his muscles.
"Appa?" I said confused.
"Yes. Our dada is the one who carreed(carried) us in stomak." The girl cleared.
"Oh..." I hummed while understanding the situation.
"But we had not seen him" the kids droped their head sadly.
"Why?" I don't know why. But I seems more curious about the little beans, because usually I don't give any fuck about others business.

" We don know. Dada said he is so hansome and stong. But he can't come to see us becose god had given him a task to stay away from us " the girl said. I did feel a little pity towards the kids because they have to live with a single parent.
"Oh... I forget to ask. What were you your name. And what will I call you." Even I myself surprised at my sweet talk to divert their focus.
"Park Joemin. But call me minmin and she is Park Jaemi."
"You can call me mimi." Oh!! Now I want steel this kids and hid in my home.

End of Jk's pov

The kids seems they liked Jungkook. The trio talked with each other so much time that they didn't notice the time passed.

"Jung...kook" they looked towards the voice's direction.
"Tae uncle!" The kids jumped from the seats and run towards Taehyung.

" Do you know me?" Jungkook asked with his usual tone; but a little confused towards the later. Tae's face is filled with nervousness and fear.
"! I saw you on tv." He replied with flustered voice immediately clearing his mistakes.

"It is not good to leave the kids alone." Jungkook said to him.
"Yeah...I will be carefull next time. Now kids, lets leave. Your dada is also coming." He immediately went from there while taking the hands of the kids in his each arms.

"Bye kookie uncle...." The twins shouted while going with Tae.

But none seemed to notice the figure watching them with a painfull expression in the corner of the garden.



Okay guys. Be ready with your tissues. Lets cry a little in next chapter🥲

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