Aching heart

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Jm's pov

I finished my work at office and told Tae that I will pick up my mom and kids from hospital.
So I reached there and started walking towards the cardiology section.
As I walking through the frond garden my heart stoped beating as I watched the scene infront of me. My eyes started to shed unspoken tears.
There stood my kids with Jungkook. My heart shattered into pieces. A sudden guilt ran through my veins. I stood there for sometimes without knowing what to do.
Then I saw Tae approaching them and took the kids away from Jungkook. Then I suddenly came out to the surrounding and ran towards the washroom. I closed the door and leaned on it. My teares started to flow as memories from the past replayed in my mind.

"Baby... When we have kids I won't let them go away from me."

"Don't they have to attend school?"

"Ahh... I don't wanna let them go. But for the sake of their education I have to."

"Don't whine kookie."

"I want my kids look cute as you."

Suddenly my phone started to ring.

End of Jm's pov

Tae took the kids to Mrs. Park and went to make a call.
"Hello Jimin. Have you reach..."
"Taehyungahh....ngh...." Tae's words cut offed by the little sobs from the otherside.
"Jiminie... Are you crying. Where are you? What happened?" The taller seems worried.
" washroom" Jimin answered stuttering between his sobs.
"Stay there I am coming."

"Jiminah..." Tae knocked.on every bathroom door anxiously.
Jimin come out of his bathroom and hugged the taler. He started cry even more in the laters arm. Tae stood there dumbfounded and started to stroke the smaller's back.
"Did  you saw him?" Tae asked softly.
"Hm..." He just hummed.
"I have met him...before. Actually he is my client. But him with the kids...." The tears didn't halp him to complete his words.
"Why didn't you told me before. Whatever we can talk about it later." Tae said.

"I feel like a sinner" Jimin said while crying.
"Nothing is your fault Chim. Its just your fate." The taller tried to calm down him.
" But why??... Why the universe want to keep us away... Why my kids can't get his love... Just why... ??"
He cried again and again in Tae's shoulder. Tae stood there without saying anything. What can he say anyway!

"Jiminahh... The kids and aunty are  alone there. They must be worried." Tae reminded his soulmate after he seemed a little cool down.
"Yeah. Let's go."
"First wash your face. You don't want to make the kids worried, right?" After washing they went from there.

"Where have you been dada and tae uncle" the kids run towards the walking duo and asked.
"Oh... We just met someone we know and talked a bit." Tae immediately made up a lie.
"Let's go kids." Jimin hurried them and they made their way towards the car. Jimin, kids and his mom took his car and tae went with his car.

"Dada, grandma! we met kookie uncle again."
"Who is kookie uncle" their grandma asked confusedly from the passanger seat while Jimin tried hard to keep his tears unshed and his driving studier.
"We have met him at mall before" mimi said.
"Didn't your dada taught you to stay away from strangers" the grandma asked quite seriously turning around and glaring at the twins and then at Jimin. But he just kept his eyes on the road.
"But he is good." Mimi spoke for Jungkook
" And he have musls like ionman" minmin added.
"These kids!!!" She just shrugged and focused on the road. She did notice the change in Jimin's behaviour. But choose to confront it later.

"Is dada sad?" The girl whispered in her brother's ear.
"His boss must be giving him haard job" the boy whispered back.



My poor Jiminiee....

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