BTS | Jungkook |

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You and Jungkook were best friends in primary school, but began to drift away in high school.

Y/N P.O.V:

Class just begun and I feel terrible. I had studied all night for the finals next week.

After the teacher's lecture, she called me to her front desk.

"Miss Y/N, you are the head of my class, may I ask you a favor?"

"Of course" I didn't really mean it, but I wanted to stay a goody two shoes if it meant being one of the teacher's favorites.

"May you home study a failing student? I tried to do it myself, but he simply does not obey".

Oh great. I have to tutor a rebellious boy.

"Yes." I bow and she hands me the address to his home, where I'll be teaching him.

After class, I began walking to the boy's house. It wasn't too far, in fact it seemed familiar.

I rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer.

Soon, I see a thin, tall, pale boy with long hair, for some reason he had a surprised face.

"Um. I am here to tutor you, my name is Y/N, may I come in?" Without saying anything the boy stepped a side and I entered.

He led me to his room and closed the door.

"Wouldn't your parents get mad that a girl is in your room?" I said while taking school books out.

"They aren't home, went to some party or something..." His voice seemed familiar too.

He sat beside me and I started teaching him a formula for chemical math. He caught on right away, it's as if he doesn't even need a tutor.

"Since you taught me something, I think I shought teach you something, C/N (Childhood Nickname)" After he said that, I knew exactly who he was.

"K-kookie?..." I sat up in disbelief . "you look so different..." I didn't recognize him at all.

"So do you, you look hot now" I blushed.

"So what are you going to teach me, is it Language Arts?" I began taking out my Language Art book, until I felt someone licking my ear.

"It's something you can't learn at school " I heard him whisper, he had a husky voice.

He began kissing my neck, while unbuttoning my shirt. I didn't stop him, I kind of liked it.

When my shirt was off, he unclipped my bra and my breasts bounced free. He kissed my left and massaged my right. I was turned on, and wanted to do the same for him.

I pushed him back and removed his pants.

"Let me teach you what I've learned" I smirked and grabbed his member. At first I pumped it with my hand, then used my mouth. He moaned and tugged on my hair, I could tell that he liked it.

"I-I'm coming" He groaned, he started pumping into my mouth instead. Soon, white warm liquid squirted out and I ate every drop of it.

He sighed in relief and then hugged me.

"C/N I've missed you, that's why I flunked all the tests, I wanted to see you" I hugged him back, for some reason I began to cry.

He looked at me and caressed my face and wiped the tear with his thumb.

"Can you stay with me by being my girlfriend ?" I immediately hugged him and nodded.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend ".

KPOP SMUTS (HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora