| B.A.P | Jongup

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You and your best friend live together. You guys were very close. He had a crush on you ever since you met.

Y/N P.O.V:

Jongup oppa was at work, so I was mindless. The door was wide open while I was changing.

I took off my shirt, then realized I didn't have a shirt to change into, I went to my dresser, looking for one.

Jongup P.O.V:

I unlocked the door and entered the house. They let us out early at rehearsal, so now Y/N I can can spend the day together.

As I walk into Y/N's room I see her shirt less. I just stood there at the doorway, like an idiot. I felt my face getting red.

She's beautiful.

"Yah! Pervert" she threw a pillow at me.

I guess she saw me.

I walked up to her; face to face.

"Maybe I am a pervert" it's like my hands had a mind of it's own.

I pinned her to the bed and I roughly kissed her.

She resisted, but eventually gave in. I took off my shirt, then my pants.

After, I took off her pants and stuck my hand into her panties.

"Someone's wet" I smirked.

She looked at my bulge.

"Someone's excited" I side grinned.

"You're right. Maybe too excited" I stuck my middle finger into her entrance and she whinced in pain.

After her facial expression looked better, I went faster.

She began to like it, her moans got louder and it turned me on.

I positioned her onto hands and knees. I entered slowly in her.

She grasped the bedsheets and I entered faster.

Sweat was dripping on both of our bodies.

I massaged her breasts to ease my high, along with hers.

I came first, but kept going. Soon she came too.

I laid flat on the bed.

"That was great" I said panting.

She crawled in between my legs.

"Oh we aren't finished yet" she had the most sexiest expression I have ever seen.

She took my member and put it in her mouth. She started slow and I didn't like it.

"F-faster" I groaned.

She went faster, but soon I was pounding into her mouth.

I came again. She swallowed my liquids and laid next to me.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I've been loving you" she whispered back.

"Will you be mine Y/N?" I looked into her eyes.

"I've always been yours" she said.

I held her waist tighter and drifted to sleep with my now, girlfriend.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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