TOPPDOGG | Hansol |

612 14 7

A/N: Requested by - Silverix

You lived by yourself and you were a college student. You never dated, but always dreamt of it.

Y/N P.O.V:

I'm at home watching TV, the usual. I've seen this show a thousand times.

'Should I go rent a movie?'

'yes, yes you should'

I pick myself up and exit my apartment. It is dark outside, but I decide to walk anyways, the store wasn't that far.

As I'm walking I feel eyes on me. I turn back to see if anyone was following, but I see nothing.

I continue to walk, still hearing the noise, I just ignored it.

When I finally reach my destination, I choose which movie I should rent.


'which should I get...'

I just chose horror.

I payed, then left the store.

As I was walking home I heard the noise again, I knew if I turned around I wouldn't see anything, so I walked faster.

When I reached home I locked the door immediately.

I needed to take a break. I put in the movie and laid back.

As the climax of the movie started, I heard a noise come from my room.

I knew I was probably paranoid, so I ignored it. I clutched my pillow and closed my eyes.

When I open my eyes I see a boy standing before me.

I fell backward and used the pillow for protection.

"w-who are you?!? What are you doing in my house?!" I was back to back with the wall.

I was so scared, I had no where else to run. Unless I run past him.

I stood up and tried to run by his side, before my escape, he grabbed my wrist, I flung back; we were face to face.

"I've been watching you" All I thought was all the feelings of being watched was from him.

I took back my wrist rather rudely and massaged it.

He bent to my size and became face to face.

"you really don't recognize me?" That voice, I felt all the memories flowing back.

This boy was the person I fell in love with in high school, but left during senior year. My first love.

Tears built up and he stroked my head.

"I'm sorry I left, we just. Just couldn't be together" I looked up at him.

"why?! Why not?!" For some reason I felt angry with him, as if all my emotion came out.

"w-why couldn't we?! Huh?!?!" I was punching his chest, tears falling.

He caught both arms and embraced me.

"we are different" He whispered.

"what do you mean" I got out of his arms.

"I-I'm not human!" He turned around and punched a wall.

I felt bad. I hugged his waist and held his hand.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I can't hold it in anymore!" he pushed me to the floor and undressed me. He undressed himself right after.

It was too fast to react. He already starting kissing me and placed his member in my entrance.

"HANSOL!~" I arched my back to the pain, but he shushed me be rubbing my breasts.

He would groan every now and then, me on the other hand was a moaning mess.

It motivated him because he went deeper and faster.

His grip on my body was a little hard, but I didn't pay attention to it.

Soon he got my sweet spot.

"I-I'm coming!" he nodded and went even faster, it shocked me, it was too fast.

We came at the same time.

As soon as we were done, he took a step back.

"I'm sorry" With his head down.

"about?" I was confused.

He pointed to the bruises all over my body. I brushed it off as if it were nothing.

"these? They don't even hurt" I smiled then I hugged him.

I don't care what you are, as long as we are together.

All I felt was excruciating pain on my neck, then it stopped.

"you're right, now let's be together forever" He smiled, then hugged me and forevermore.

KPOP SMUTS (HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora