Chapter 2: Torture or Blessings

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"Let's get out of here princess." He whispered seductively his hot breath against my forehead as he pressed a soft warm kiss to it.

"Yes sir..." I reply giving into his dominance. My body shutters and my breath audibly hitches when he slips his hand under my waistband at the small of my back.


He led me to his truck his hold on me never fleeting. He opened the passenger door and picked me up. As my feet suddenly left the ground I yelped, wrapping my arms around his neck in reflex.

"So jumpy princess" he whispers softly the heat of his breath on my ear has me blushing. I tuck my head into the crook of his neck timidly. "Don't hide from me princess, I think it's adorable that you need my protection and hide in my arms." He says softly running a hand through my brown curly hair. I exhale shakily and settle into his arms, until he lifts me into the truck and puts me down on the passenger seat.

As he sets me down I smirk a little knowing exactly how to get him riled up. I make a whiny noise knowing exactly what will happen. "I don't wanna sit here." I whine. Grants breath hitches and he clears his throat.

"Princess..." he starts. His voice is thick and low and almost feral. "What have I told you about whining like that?" He grits his voice still dangerously low and feral. "Do you want me to lose my mind, princess?" He asks. "Because that's not what a Good Girl does. Are you a Good Girl?" He finishes his sentence and his hold on my hip is so tight it will undoubtedly leave a mark.

"Gr-" I start saying his name, my voice still whiny. However my endeavor is cut short when I gasp as he squeezes tighter.

"Stop whining like a brat princess." He says his voice thick. "Don't make me punish you for being naughty." As he finishes his words he kisses my ear softly. "You're blushing so red princess. You're so affected by my words aren't you? You're my Good Girl right princess?" He asks and I just silently nod. He bites down on my ear and I let off a quiet squeaky moan dispite trying to fight it. He chuckles darkly in response. "See princess. So affected by my touch, by my voice. So needy for me aren't you baby girl?" He teased his voice low and seductive.

"Yes.." I whispered my voice barely audible as he steps back and smirks.

"Now, be a Good Girl. You wanna go get dinner?" He says with a smirk as he walks around to the driver's side.


As the night went on and we went to get dinner I found myself not caring about my career and my education. I found myself feeling like I had it all.

"Grant..." I whispered as we drove down I-95. We were heading back to D.C. he said I should ask the higher ups to pull me and put me back in action. Which is what I really want just never knew I could ask for.

"Yea princess?" He responds softly.

"I wanna go to Seattle for a while. I'll need to explain my sudden drop out." I state meekly hoping it won't be a problem. Sometimes if he has his mind set he'll get a bit frustrated at changing plans but he doesn't get angry or violent.

"You wanna fly out tomorrow?" He asks his voice sweet and gentle.

"Yes please." I respond with a soft almost timid manner. When I'm around Grant my facade of being big, tough, strong and totally independent slips. I'm nothing more than a helpless little girl when I'm with him. I've heard it's because I've been through a lot and carry heavy trauma so when I feel safe I'm in my complete feminine energy, I'm not worrying about what's over my shoulder, or protecting and providing for myself when he's here because I know he does that. He protects me, gets me food, makes sure I'm comfortable and lets me be clingy when I need to.

"Of course princess. We'll be back in D.C within 2 hours we should rest and we can fly out in the morning. I'll go under an alias if need be." I was confused as to why for a moment but then I remembered, John Garrett tracks all his movements and missions. This has to stay under the radar otherwise my brother could end up in danger.

"You really think Garrett would track us again?" I ask "You're behaving aren't you? I mean he doesn't have a reason unless you think de-shadow day is soon." I ask a little worried. I already dread the upcoming de-shadow day. That's what Grant and I call it, the day we'll get the signal and H.Y.D.R.A. will come out of the shadows and into the light where S.H.I.E.L.D. now stands.

"I think we can't put it past him Princess. He'd do if it he saw fit and we would probably not be able to outsmart him." He pauses and grabs my hand gently but firm and possessive. "I don't want to put Derek in danger. Your brother doesn't deserve to be leveraged, so if at all possible he falls under the protection I'll always give you." He says firm and possessive but gentle and caring all at once. This man is the paradox of all paradoxes yet, I think I'm madly in love with him.

The hours pass and I had dozed off laying my head in his hand on the center console. As he pulls up to the building my D.C apartment is in he lifts my head gently and kisses my forehead.

"Princess..." He coos softly trying as to not startle me. I groan sleepily and wiggle up next to him practically laying on the center console. Then I crawl into his lap and curl up like a baby still half asleep. "We're here Princess, wake up sweetheart." He says softly.


AN: hey guys short chap ik i got a crazy block after that last part and needed to wrap it up so i could keep the plot going.

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