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Helloooo everyone!!!!


Veeransh's POV:-

So today is our first day after summer holidays.
Presently, I am in my classroom talking with my friends.
And from today our activity class will also start.
I had chosen cricket and our first 1 hour is for it.

Avani's POV:-
(At home)

Ohh God!!!!!
Why teachers don't think before giving us so many projects to make that we have to carry them to school and that too with safety.
I don't want to fall in school due to these models.

Time skips to school....

Thanku God! for not letting me fall due to this stuff.
Well, I can't call all these models so rudely as it took so much time and hardwork to create them.
But it would be worth it if mam likes my work.

But before that, it's our activity class today I and Disha had chosen art and craft as I don't have much interest in outdoor sports.

Third person Pov:-

Bell rings indicating that the first lecture has started and all the students moved to their respective activity area.

(In Art Room)

Art teacher and the students were making a pen stand from old plastic bottles.

Avani and Disha were in same group and they were presently covering the bottles with sparkle tapes.
Avani loved to do art and craft and was enjoying it very much.

Meanwhile, Disha was a little worried.
Seeing her like this Avani asked her with concerned face, what happened Disha?? You seem to be worried, is everything okay???

At this Disha said, No yrr our holidays have ended and now in some days there would be our mid term exams and I haven't even learnt the chapters properly. What will I write in exams?

Listening this Avani thought for a second and then said, Oh silly girl!
Just this small thing. I am here to help you.
Listen, we have min. 15 days. Right?
So I will revise the chapters within 2-3 days and I will teach you all those again in rest days.

At this Disha became happy for a minute but then said, Avani you remember when I fell ill with chickenpox 2 weeks before holidays.
Due to not coming to school my very much work is pending...

Then you can borrow mine notebooks,Simple!, Avani said

Then how will you revise???Disha asked

Don't worry, I'll manage and this is what friends are for if I will not help you then who will??? Avani said

Okk then and thank you so much for all this, disha said

Yes yess, now concentrate on work,
we have to complete this pen stand within today, Avani said

(At Cricket ground)

Veeransh and his friends were practicing by throwing a ball to one another and catching it.

Suddenly, someone bumped into Veeransh causing him to distract and the ball hit his forehead.

Ahh!!!, Veeransh shouted

Coach and other students came near him.
Not much injury was caused, just a small dark coloured bump was formed on his forehead and there were little scratches on his knee due to falling.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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