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Aiah sat quietly on the couch, her eyes fixated on MJ, who was crouched on the floor playing with his niece, Poppy. The sound of MJ's laughter echoed in the living room as Poppy giggled uncontrollably, trying to catch the little toy car he was racing around in circles. There was something about these moments that made Aiah's heart swell—this was one of the rare times she saw MJ fully engage with a child.

She couldn't help but think, *This is the MJ that makes my heart skip. He's so happy right now... even if it's just for a while.*

As Poppy squealed, managing to trap the toy under a pillow, Aiah's thoughts wandered. *I used to dream of this*, she thought. *When I was a kid, I imagined having my own family, raising kids. It was always part of my vision, the same way little girls dream about their fairy tale weddings. But... MJ...*

She recalled the countless times over the past four years when MJ had made sure she remembered her birth control pills. Every time, like clockwork, MJ would casually remind her:
"Love, pills mo, ha?" with that signature smirk of his. 
"Sure na ha? We don't want any surprise guests!" he'd say, chuckling as he wrapped her in a tight hug after they spent a night together. 

At first, Aiah had shrugged it off, not really thinking too deeply about it. MJ had always been straightforward about not wanting kids, even when they were just engaged. It was a topic they had discussed before, but she hoped... maybe time would change his mind.

*Maybe he'll see it differently after the wedding. Maybe after a few years together,* she'd tell herself. But here they were—four years in—and MJ hadn't wavered.

Her eyes followed Poppy as she stood up, wobbling on her little legs, and ran over to hug MJ tightly. MJ's wide grin softened into a gentler smile as he ruffled Poppy's hair. *This is the only time he's happy around kids,* Aiah thought to herself again. And it was true.

She sighed, her heart heavy with a mixture of joy and uncertainty. As Poppy's parents came to pick her up, MJ gave her one last hug before waving her off at the door.

"Ate Patty, Kuya Pat!" Aiah called out as they left. "Ingat sa daan ha. Text me kapag nakauwi na kayo!"

Once the door closed and the house quieted down, Aiah felt a knot form in her chest. This was the perfect time to ask the question that had been gnawing at her for months now, but she hesitated. She didn't want to disrupt the peace between them, especially with how perfect their marriage had been. *But I need to know.*

She inhaled deeply, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt as she approached him. "Love," she started softly.

MJ turned to her with a smile, his eyes still glowing from the fun he had with Poppy. "What's up, sweetheart?"

"Have you... uh... ever thought about..." she trailed off, her words getting caught in her throat.

MJ raised an eyebrow, curious. "About what?" He stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Aiah swallowed hard, her heart racing. "About... you know... having kids?"

The playful expression on MJ's face immediately softened, replaced by something more serious. He gently pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly as he kissed the top of her head. "Nope," he said quietly, his voice steady. "Still not changed, love."

Aiah froze for a moment, feeling his words settle in. She forced a soft chuckle, trying to hide the disappointment bubbling inside her. "Ahh, ganun pa rin..."

MJ leaned back slightly to look her in the eye, his smile warm and reassuring. "I'm happy that it's just you and me. I get to focus on you, and you get to focus on me." He tapped her nose playfully. "Also, think about it—hindi tayo napupuyat kasi walang umiiyak sa gitna ng gabi. Wala tayong pupunasan na diaper!"

Aiah chuckled nervously, nodding in agreement. "Yeah... oo nga naman." But deep inside, her heart felt a little heavier.

MJ pulled her close again, swaying them slightly in place. "And besides, love," he added with a mischievous grin, "you don't have to share me with anyone else. You're my queen, forever and always."

*Oh MJ,* she thought, leaning into his embrace. *You always know how to make me feel loved.* She let it go, for now, convincing herself that it was fine. But as they stood there, her thoughts kept returning to the nagging truth she'd been hiding. *What if this changes everything?*


Later that night, after an intimate evening together, Aiah lay in bed next to MJ, who was already fast asleep. She stared up at the ceiling, her mind racing. The room was dark, but her thoughts were loud. MJ's steady breathing next to her should have been comforting, but tonight, it only added to her anxiety.

*How am I going to tell you?* she wondered silently, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. *How do I even begin to explain that I forgot to refill my pills?*

She felt a flutter in her stomach, a mix of nervousness and excitement. A few weeks ago, she had discovered that she was pregnant, and ever since then, she had been battling with herself on how to break the news to MJ.

She knew MJ loved her deeply—he showed it in a thousand little ways every day. From their cute dates to the way he always took her side during arguments, MJ had been nothing short of the perfect husband. But... kids? That was a different story.

*What if he's upset? What if this ruins everything?* Aiah bit her lip, feeling a lump form in her throat. Her mind replayed the moment she had missed her refill—just one time, a simple oversight—but it had changed everything.

MJ stirred beside her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her closer in his sleep. "Love you," he mumbled softly, half-asleep.

Aiah felt her heart break a little more. *I don't want to hurt you, MJ. But how can I hide this?*

As she lay there, her hand instinctively rested on her lower belly, the secret she carried growing more real with each passing day. *How will I tell you that I'm pregnant?*

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