Chapter 34

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Waking up was getting to be easier for Ryan. His sleep had been more peaceful, and every night he was enthralled with something new, but it was unfortunate that this new concept was one of sleep in which he was never hurt or scared or threatened in his dreams. He was getting used to it, but he didn't want to get too comfortable with it. He wanted to be able to appreciate the newfound safety of his dreams and never, not even for a moment, take them for granted.

Brendon was jolted into alertness by the ring of his phone. Ryan regained consciousness slowly, but he was able to pick up what Brendon was saying.

"Didn't Dad tell... oh, good..."

Ryan pushed his hair out of his face and inhaled sharply in order to give his brain a quick rush of oxygen. Brendon rolled over to face the nightstand and he fumbled around with one of his notebooks.

"Yeah I do... why? Hold on..."

It was only nine in the morning. Ryan didn't want to be awake, but he didn't have a choice in the matter now that Brendon was talking, albeit quietly, to his mother. Brendon held the cap of a pen in his mouth as he scribbled something down.

"Are you serious? You're not... oh, thank you, I..."

Ryan's eyes were still blurry and he decided to just focus on the back of Brendon's head.

"Yeah... yeah I will, thank you... love you too... yeah, bye." Brendon didn't know Ryan was awake, but he still turned around with a large grin on his tired face and he instantly put his head on Ryan's chest. It was still warm from being there all night.

"What did she want?"

"Good morning." Brendon kept his head still and he slid his left arm under Ryan's neck.

"What was it, Hun?"

"She wanted to give me a number."

"For what?"

"She said she wants me to call it and set up a time for my first guitar lesson."



Ryan put his arms around Brendon's upper body and held him down in a strong but tired hug. "That's amazing."

"She said Seth's giving me his guitar because he's never played it. I never even knew he had one."

"I know a little bit. I can try to show you."


"Yeah... I just wanna sleep now, though."

Brendon laughed quietly. "Did you really think this was weird at first?"


"The other day when we woke up sorta like this."


"You said you liked it even though it was weird."


"Did you think it was weird?"

"Did you?"

"I thought it was nice."

Ryan's lips instinctively formed a small smile. "Me too."

"I never thought it was weird."

"Me either... I was just scared, really. I didn't know what to think."

"Doesn't scare you now, though?"

"Of course not... it's all I've wanted lately."

Brendon sighed and turned his head a little, burying his face against the side of Ryan's chest to whisper. "You know... I love you..."

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