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All rights reserved: My mind, my work 😀.
This is my first work on Wattpad, but probably my 20th story I've ever written. More to come in the future but this is what I wanted to start with.

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Naiya couldn't do this anymore. Last night was her breaking point. If she had to stay here another night, she would probably slit her wrists just so she wouldn't have to endure them any longer. But could she really get away? She was seventeen for God's sake. Who would want someone that old? There was no chance for happiness and growth in a family with someone who would be legal in just two months. In two months she was free to leave this place per the law placed by the government but even that was too far away. She had to do something, anything, to get away.

She could run.

But where to? And with what?

No money, barely any suitable clothes, and no one to turn to for help.

Well...there is Alphonse Wyatt, former politician for the state of Georgia but would he help her? Over the past five months, she's known Alphonse who has been helping his wife campaign to enter into the political world by discussing future plans for child services in city of Atlanta and eventually the state of Georgia. Naiya was one of the few kids here that Alphonse personally spoke with and they've gotten pretty close to the point where he comes to see her every two weeks just to see how she's doing. She wanted to tell him about what she was enduring here but she's been too afraid.

But not now.

He was supposed to be coming today and she planned on telling him. Could he do anything? There was a strong chance beings though he does have some political connections and could do something. It was either that or nothing...

As she carefully wiped away the tears from her bruised face, Alphonse's sleek black Jaguar 2015 XJ sports car pulled up in front of the hell-home she's been confined to since birth. Relief overcame her and a small smile appeared on her face the second Alphonse climbed out of the driver's side donning a pair of black shades and talking on his cell phone that was practically glued to his ear. He smiled at something that was said over the phone, but quickly dropped the smile when he saw the distressed look on Naiya's face. Even from the street, he could see that something was terribly wrong. He quickly ended his call and made his way towards her in his navy blue Tom Ford suit.

Naiya always wore a smile whenever he saw her. He knew she wasn't happy about being in this place but with the way she seemed happy whenever he was there, you would think she was living in paradise. Alphonse knew that wasn't true, which was why today he came to her with a proposition. He made it to the steps where she was sitting and watched her for a few seconds. Naiya carefully stood to her feet and made her way down the steps with a limp.

Alphonse noticed the pain in her face as well as the dark bruise on her left cheek. "Naiya what happened to you?"

Naiya dropped the smirk that she tried so hard to make and fell into his arms. She wanted to break down crying but she just didn't have the energy to do so. Besides, she had done that all last night into the morning which was evident with the puffiness of her eyelids and the bags underneath her eyes. She barely got any sleep here as it is, but last night she didn't close her eyes at all. "I-I c-can't stay here..."

"What happened to you?"

"They h-hurt me...him and his friends...they came into my room...they always do...I...I can't do it anymore Mr. Wyatt."

Behind her, the woman of her nightmares appeared at the door holding papers and a book-bag in her hand. Alphonse held up a finger telling her to wait. He brought his attention back to Naiya who practically melted into his arms. "I'll handle it Naiya. You hear me?" She nodded. "And...I can take you away from here. Come home with wife and I would love to have you."

Naiya slowly lifted her head up with tears streaming down her face. "Huh?"

Alphonse wiped the tears from her eyes with his soft thumbs, "I came here with a proposition for you Naiya. I can take you away from here, you'll live with me and never have to come back here again."

"Really?" He nodded. "I...I don't know what to say."

"You can say yes...but I do have something that I need you to do."

She shook her head, "Anything. Mr. Wyatt I will do anything you need me to do. If you need me to get a job, anything-"

He smiled at her, "Not necessarily. I want to hire you for something...but it wouldn't actually be a job."

"Mr. Wyatt, whatever you want me to do...I will do it. I have to leave here...and I will do anything to get away."

. . . .

Be honest, let me know what you guys think so far👀

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