Chapter Thirty-Four

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Naiya Parker

"You ready?"

I shook my head no. "But we have to get out the car anyway."

"I know but we can always go in a few minutes late and sit in the back. I'm going in when you're ready babe."

Ever since last night, I've been having butterflies around Keon. I've had them before but now the feeling was more intense because I knew what he was feeling about me. Though he's been calling me little names like that here and there before, I knew this time was different.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers. We were having another thumb wrestle that started while he was driving up to the court house. "Ok. If you win this round, we go in."

"Don't do that because then I'll purposely lose. I know you not ready."

He was right.

"Kyle said they wouldn't be starting until 10. It's only 9:30. We got some time."


So we continued to sit there for about fifteen minutes before I sighed and took off my seatbelt.

"You good?"


"Let's go get 'em then tiger."

We got out of the car and met each other in the front of it grabbing each other's hand to take the long walk up the sidewalk to the court house.

"How long do you think it's gonna be?"

"Not long. Maybe an hour. Kyle said the jury will say their decision and the judge might talk. And he might get sentenced today too."

"If he doesn't would we have to come back?"

"Not if you don't want to."

"I don't have to talk?"

"Nope. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I wouldn't even know what to say."

"And that's fine. Sometimes you don't even need to say anything. They know they hurt you and that they have to pay for their actions. Now it's time for you to move forward. You pressing charges and coming each day to court was your closure. You did all you could babe."

I blushed a little.

Keon held the door open for me and I entered in first. We made our way down a long hallway, onto an elevator and up to the sixth floor. The entire time, our hands were together and fingers were intertwined. The first thing we saw when the doors opened was our family.

Shanell was standing there talking to Torrence while Brendan was eyeing her with his mouth open like a mouth breather.

Kyle and Brianna were talking amongst themselves.

Tessa and Jackson were talking to the prosecutor.

And Alphonse was sitting down tapping away on his phone.

I had no clue they would all be here, but I'm glad they came.

Keon and I quickly dropped our hands before they saw us. We just confessed our feelings for one another last night so we were still processing things for ourselves. I surely wasn't ready to tell everyone else and I guess Keon wasn't either. When I looked up from our hands being dropped, I directly looked at Jackson who had a smirk on his face. He winked and went back to talking to the prosecutor.

Keon leaned towards me, "He knows."


"Us yeah."

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