Chapter Thirty-One

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Wind was blowing roughly against her face while that familiar feeling of something pushing her appeared. She was standing at the edge of the cliff again and looking down she could see those same three dark figures that represented three guys she basically grew up with, who raped her. She didn't want to fall down but she knew that in seconds she would be-


Strong winds hit her face as she went down towards the first cliff. The dark figure grabbed her from thin air, pushed her to the hard rock ground, and covered her body with their darkness. Pain consumed her body and then the figure moved and pushed her off the cliff. This continued for two more cliffs before she was going down into a dark abyss....

         Keon Wyatt

I thumb wrestled against myself while waiting.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Naiya doing the same thing.

So I took my right hand and intertwined my fingers with her left hand and started to thumb wrestle with her.

And during the entire time that the prosecutor and defense attorney delivered their opening statements, Naiya and I went back and forth thumb wrestling seeing who could have the best 10 out of 15 matches.

These were long opening statements. Thankfully, the prosecutor informed us that this would be a short trial and only last almost a week. But today was taking forever.

I had to piss.

I grew sleepy.

But as Naiya's backbone right now I needed to not only be here to see how things went but I needed to be here for her. She was due to testify after her foster mother. Thankfully, the guys who raped her weren't being put on the stand. I mean what could they do? Sit there and lie?

As for the videos recorded, they were going to be shown but without sound which the judge granted. During that time, Kyle told me to take Naiya out of the courtroom. She woke up oddly ok this morning considering the half ass reveal I gave her last night. Part of me figured she read in between the lines and figured it out while the other part wonders if she understood. But the way she woke up this morning was extremely odd. She was okay. She was smiling and her spirits about going to court were extremely receptive.

I saw through it of course and knew that at any moment she was going to break. I just didn't know how or when. And that worked against me because there's no possible way I can be around her at all times to catch it and be there for her. I can't keep her on a leash and honestly I have no idea how to be there for her more than I already am.

The opening statements and the questioning to Naiya's former foster mother was the only thing they were doing for the first day of the trial. When she was put on the stand, Naiya's grip on my hand tightened but when I looked at her she oddly looked relaxed.

Something wasn't right.

          After court I sent Naiya off with Brianna and Kyle so they could keep a close eye on her while I went along with Alphonse to go talk to Daniel. Alphonse made me promise that I wouldn't lay my hands on him when I saw him but I made it very clear that if Daniel talked out of pocket that promise was null and void. I promised to not punch him as a hello. Anything after that was open.

We went to a park which was Daniel's idea.

I guess he wanted plenty of witnesses since it was the beginning of August and a Tuesday. Most kids hadn't started school yet and were probably getting their last minute fun out in the park. Just because there's kids around doesn't mean he was that much safe.

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