Chapter Twenty-Five

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Happy 4th of July!!! 🎆 This chapter is slightly short (I think) but I think you ladies (and gents if there are any) will be satisfied 🌚

Keon Wyatt

On the plane ride home, I randomly found myself thinking about Naiya's graduation. It was pretty quick for a graduation of 200 fucking seniors. Doesn't sound like much for me as a college student in a pretty damn big school. So far it's 800 of us set to graduate in two years. Anyway, Alphonse ain't show up to the graduation not that he was missed. It was myself of course, mom, Kyle, Brianna, Torrence and Brendan. Brendan was mainly here for Shanelle who I think he has a thing for though he won't admit it.

Anyway, during the outside ceremony Naiya and I texted back and forth. The point of me even met mentioning her boring ass graduation ceremony is because on the plane ride home from our 'honeymoon', I asked myself when I started to like Naiya. Like her like her.

Yeah, I like her.

Brendan was going on about how much he loves black women. He's always loved black women and has random moments where he just says it out loud. But when he says it out loud it's usually after he sees a black woman he finds attractive or if we're talking about how great they are. Ironically before he started talking about his love for black women, we saw Shanelle march in along with her fellow classmates of the graduating class. Because it was in alphabetical order she didn't walk in alongside Naiya. Instead of a traditional cap though, Shanelle had transformed her cap into a gold crown which looked nice on top of her twists.

Then Brendan started talking about his love for Black queens.

Back to Naiya. While Brendan was going on about Shanelle, I was texting Naiya. The class was sitting on the football field now and the ceremony was in full swing. The thing that lead me to like her started out with her fucking shoes.

From: Naiya
They hurt!

To: Naiya
And it's hot😂 Them puppies is barkin' 🐶

From: Naiya

To: Naiya
Just take them off.

From: Naiya
If I do that then I'm not gonna wanna put them back on. And your dad said I have to wear them.

I scoffed at the thought of him telling her she had to wear those fucking heels.

To: Naiya
Fuck Alphonse. Take them off if they hurt. You scared?

From: Naiya
No...what if somebody laughs at me or looks at me weird when I cross the stage barefoot?

To: Naiya
This is your day Nai...stop caring so much about what other people think about you.

From: Naiya
Okay. Thanks.

The principal came up to the podium to talk. "Now, it is tradition for the graduating class to participate in an activity started by the Class of 1990. During graduation the Class of 1990's valedictorian Andrew Jacoby told the class to bring something to graduation that they wanted to throw away. This symbolized letting go of any baggage that may be holding them back from moving on with their lives. Over the years I've seen seniors throw away report cards, pictures, prom dresses, memories of old boyfriends and girlfriends, and even car keys to their very first cars. Today in keeping with that tradition, the Class of 2016 will participate in the same activity. I'll give the class a chance to get those items together and on my count we will throw those items into the football field on either side of the aisles."

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