Chapter Seven

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Angry with himself, Assad paced his bedroom floor. He couldn't believe he had actually had come that close to taking her to bed. Not now. He had to win her over, only to feel such disgust with himself. She had looked at him with such vulnerability, and so willing. She had felt so good in his arms, so soft and feminine, to hold her in his hand. A true treasure to behold. She wasn't supposed to be like that, so supple, and melted so easily into him, sending is body into a fiery depth of hell. Even now he ached for her, a need to have her, to feel those temptress arms around him. How easily he could lose himself completely, and why not. She did belong to him.

Leaving his room he headed back to her bedroom already planning on his apology of his sudden departure to come to realise he apologised to her all the time. He never apologised to anyone. He had to be strong, for his country, for his people and most of all, himself and yet she had brought him to his knees just by one look. A look he had never seen before as if no-one had ever done anything for her in her life. She had been putty in his hands. He couldn't do it to her, to enter the room to find her spread across the bed flat on her back, bottle on the floor and....snoring.

Shaking his head he couldn't believe she was snoring to enter further to pick up the nearly empty bottle to place beside the glasses. Removing her slippers, he circled the bed to pull back the covers. He went back to pick her up into his arms. Her head lolled back, hair falling freely, mouth slightly open, eyes closed. She felt so right in his arms. He circled the bed to lay her down to remove her jeans then went to remove her top and paused; he already knew her state of undress. It would be too tempting to roll her on her side and pulling the bedcovers over her.

Moaning she rolled onto the back arms flopping back as glazed eyes looked at him. "Assad?" She stretched, looking around as if confused and dazed. He sat down at her side on the bed not knowing if it was a wise idea or not, especially when she started pushing up her top up with her hand as if she was hot. "Assad?" she called again. He leaned closer brushing hair from her face, drawing her eyes that filled with tears. "What did I do wrong?" Her words slightly slurred.

"Nothing princess, I was angry at myself. Try to get some sleep." He tried to pull the covers back into place only to have her sitting up and snuggling into him.

"Touch me," she begged. "I like it when you touch me." She rubbed her cheek against his chest. He moaned, fighting himself because he wanted to but wouldn't take advantage of the situation. Obviously the Champagne had gone straight to her head and no wonder drinking so much in such a short space of time. Her arm went around his neck to pull him down closer to her. "Why won't you kiss me? Am I that unlovable?" She flopped back against him. "I am you know, un.... undis..... No one can, you know, love someone like me..."

"That isn't true and you know it Annabelle," he growled lifting her higher against him sliding his hand back under her top just to show how desirable she was.

"Ann.....oh that feels so goood, I loooooove your touch, oh yes." She nuzzled his neck. "Take it off," she mumbled.

"Ann...Bella," he corrected since it seemed to annoy her. Saying there was no Ann around here "Take what off?" he asked, curious. She only had to ask and he would.

"This." She tugged at his shirt.

Not quite what he expected to lay her back into the pillows, her hair spread out in a fiery halo. Oh, she was going to regret this in the morning. He smiled to himself removing his shirt as ordered to get giggles of delight. Giggles? He had never been giggled at before, amused. "I was right, you're hot! So deliciously hot and I want this." She patted his chest with her hand. To rest her hand on and caress then rose to kiss him on the chest that sent fire through his body. "Why did you have to be so sexy, that damn voice is so...." She shook her head. "There should be a law against you, mister sexy pants."

HOUSE OF HAYDAR - LION OF HAYDAR - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now