Chapter Nine

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Assad rose to his feet as Bella entered who was glowing, her auburn hair free and cascading over her shoulders, face dusted with makeup, wearing her golden dress, eyes sparkling that run over him. Eating him up with her green eyes, smiling at him, at the sight of him in his robes, turning his insides inside out with need.

"I think I like you like this the most," she stated, entering further to cross the floor of the dinning room that had been specially prepared for her in true Arabian style. She saw none of this. Her eyes never left him, to stop in front of him.

"You take my breath away," Assad breathed running hands down the side of her face, "a true sight of beauty, a golden lioness, my golden lioness."

"I am here to seduce you," she stated factually, voice husky with desire and fire in her eyes bringing heat to his groins.

He smiled. "I knew that the minute I saw that dress. Seduce away my lioness."

Shaking her head she laughed with joy. "I have no idea what I am doing," she stated. He knew differently.

"Come closer," he suggested for her to do so. "Closer," so she was up against his body to run hands down her bare back edging her even closer mouldering her into his body that was so ready. "Now how do you plan to seduce me?" he asked, his lips brushing her cheek. Shuddering as her hands caressed up his arms and along his shoulders to caress his neck and up to embed fingers into his hair, his scalp tingling. "Hmm, not bad," he whispered, his lips against hers to run the tip of his tongue along hers to part as she pull him closer opening to his invitation to give into her demands as his hands roamed over her curves hearing her sounds of pleasure, turning him on, as he drunk from her driven mad as she moved against him, inviting, her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest to turn her around to push hair from her back over her shoulder to press his lips into her neck as she tilted her head back. "You might want to look yonder and see I only ordered cold food," he whispered against her ear brushing her temple with his lips as she turned eyes closed.

"Oh, were you planning on seducing me Sheikh?" she asked huskily.

"No on eating," he laughed squeezing her bottom. She squealed and turned around to throw her arms around his neck to be crushed against him. Assad walked her backwards towards a pile of large oversized brightly coloured cushions to lower them into where she cradled into him looking up with bright green eyes in wonder. He tenderly brushed hair from her face. "There is no rush Isabella we have all night."

"Then let's get comfy," she noted with mischief to remove her shoes and throw them away behind them to move back up and against him, up close and personal. "Would you like to get more comfy Sheikh?"

"What are you suggesting Isabella?" he asked, sounding scandalised.

"Oh, I don't know," she slid a hand up and over his chest easing in closer to kiss his throat, "perhaps you can take this off," she suggest tugging at his robe.

"Not again," he moaned to have her looking up at him stunned, her hand stilling.

"What do you mean not again?" Her eyes widen at the mischief in his eyes and the devil of a smile. "Um," she sobered cheeks burning, "what actually happened that night Assad, that night in Paris?" She groaned burying her face into his chest as his smile broadened. "What did I do? No." Shaking her head, she didn't want to know.

Leisurely he caressed her back. "You mean apart from trying to seduce me, saying I had the sexiest....." Her hand shot up to cover his mouth.

"Not another word mister," she eased up closer to him and circled his neck with her arms pressing into him. "Did you take advantage of me?" Obviously she had been drunk.

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