Chapter 1: Six Months Ago

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On a cold night in the middle of December, a computer company saleswoman walks into a convenience store after work. Her name is Angela Michadymos. Tonight, she is wearing her best suit, which she hoped would impress her co-workers, before she found out she'd drastically underestimated how laid-back they would be -- often showing up to work in short-sleeved button-ups and jeans. But, no matter how foolish she felt at first, she spent money on this suit, so she was going to wear it.

Staring at a section of somewhat appealing snacks, Angela ponders what she will be eating tonight, as she is entirely too exhausted to make her own dinner. This will prove to be unnecessary. If Angela had more experience, she'd have felt the air change. She'd have been on guard. And just as she reaches out to grab an item off the shelf, she hears a loud sound, akin to fire! She hears for just a split second, before she is lifted off her feet, and sent careening through the wall, out into the parking lot, by a ball of flame, hurtling through the air!

The only thing that registers in her mind is panic, the likes of which she'd never felt! As she slowly recovers, the cold night air does her no boon, as it causes the burn to sting even worse! Her ability to even think coherent thoughts returns, bit by bit, as she asks herself,

'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? GOD, THIS HURTS SO MUCH!! I HAVE TO GET AWAY! I--' All thought grinds to a halt, as she looks back into the store, and notices something odd.

There is a figure, cloaked in black, wearing a hood, so Angela could see barely anything. She sees that the person, standing directly in the middle of the store, seems to be a woman, and the woman is facing her, directly.

'Wh-who is that? Is she the one who did this? Wait... Everybody's just acting like nothing's happening...'

"What's going on...?" She asks aloud, and in return, she hears the hooded woman speak.

?" She asks aloud, and in return, she hears the hooded woman speak

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"You're still alive. I guess I should have expected as much, from the woman who laid so many of our kind to waste."

"H-huh!? What's going on; why is nobody noticing this!?"

"A perception spell is paltry; give me at least some credit!" Another fireball is hurled toward Angela, who quickly rolls to the side. Looking up, she shouts,

"I don't know what you're talking about! I'd never kill anyone! And now you're throwing fireballs at me and talking about spells!?" She stands up, as her assailant dismisses her,

"Don't lie to me!" As the attacker raises her hand to attack again, Angela bounds toward her! Dodging the incoming fireball, she wraps her left arm around the woman's outstretched right, and swiftly sweeps the unknown woman's foot out from under her with her own right foot, as Angela palms her assailant's chest, and pushes her down toward the ground! Just before the strange woman hits the ground, Angie removes her hand from her chest, and puts it behind the opponent's head, stopping her momentum, before letting her fall a much smaller, harmless distance, and pinning the assailant's left hand against her chest, and getting into a straddling position to keep her in place.

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