Inside of every living thing is a soul. Souls are what give living things life. Their come in all different shapes and sizes but when greed, hate and jealously take control of one mind a phantom is created but when a phantom is formed their can suck a life out of another person till their commit suicide, this call 'hosting'. Phantoms are twisted monster fuelled with negative emotions. Depending on the emotions forged by the phantoms counterpart human soul, determine what class the phantom is. Their are three class, dooms, phantoms and ghoul. Dooms are made of only one single negative emotions, phantoms are made out of three negative emotions. Ghouls are very rare and are only formed when a phantoms has 'hosted' a human soul and cause the human to committed suicide but the process is easy to break. Many humans can not harm a phantom of any sort but their are a few with a 'pure soul' that can shape a paring soul of another human into a weapon. The people are named "Soul masters" and their parting human are called "Soul Eaters". Together both master and weapon slay the phantoms and absorb the phantom soul to increase their power to form a "Masters Weapon".

Colour of the Soul
FantasíaA soul is made of emotions. When a soul is over come by greed, hate, jealousy and other forms of negative emotions a phantom is born. Only a "Soul Master" and a "Soul Eater" can slay a phantom. Who will rule humans or phantoms.