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Chapter two

Kaaren set about opening all the windows to air out the stale empty smell of the house. As she went from room to room she assessed the amount of cleaning that needed to be done before the unpacking could officially begin. Dust covered every surface and the hardwood floors needed refinished, but to Kaaren that was just fine. She needed something to keep her mind busy for the first little while. She didn't want to think about how badly she missed Kem or how her heart felt as if it would never mend itself back together. Kaaren has always loved old farm houses growing up. Something about the atmosphere always made her feel as if she was really at home. She loved how each room had a door instead of just a doorway. The double French doors with stained glass windows artistically placed to portray a single rose leading from the living room to the very large dining room is what sold her on this house. Someone took great pains to make those doors and the design was beautiful. A smaller door in the northwest corner of the dining room led to the kitchen. Although Kaaren had no plans of hosting dinner parties she still loved the room and planned to decorate it lavishly. Once on the second floor Kaaren had reached the last room down the hallway. Walking into the room she noticed it was a little smaller than the rest and each wall was covered with pink rose wallpaper with white trim. She walked to the large bay window and lifted the glass panes letting the cool breeze flow and sift through the stuffy room. Sitting on the plush pink pillow topped seat Kaaren watched her teenage children wrestling in the thick Kentucky blue grass covering the back yard. Smiling to herself a single tear stole its way from her lashes leaving a trail down her left cheek. "Oh Kem I wish you were here enjoying this with me." She whispered. A gust of wind whipped Kaaren's hair in a spiral across her face. Using her fingers as a make shift comb Kaaren pulled her hair back into a quick, but sloppy pony tail and got up to go to the living room where she decided was the first mode of attack while waiting on the moving crew. Halfway through the room she stopped dead in her tracks. The strong smell of baby powder enveloped her that she was positive was not in this dusty closed up room when she entered. A quiet little giggle reached her from her left, but when Kaaren turned her head there was no one there. Standing still holding her breath, Kaaren waited for a few seconds more, but the sound could not be heard again. Letting out a deep nervous sigh she noticed the baby powder smell was also gone. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts Kaaren walked out of the pink rose filled room shutting the door behind her and made her decent through the hall and down the wooden steps.

The lacey white curtains stopped fluttering from the wind in the last room on the left. Time seemed to stand still and all air sucked from the room as the closet door creaked open slowly on its own accord and a giggle echoed off the pink rose paper covered walls.

Walking back to the boxes Dylan left in the gravel at the back end of her Durango Kaaren picked up a box labeled "eatery", Dylan had obviously packed this one, and headed up the steps as Dylan and Jerrica came bounding around the corner of the porch laughing almost knocking Kaaren down in their haste. "Whoa! Looks like someone finally changed out of his pouty pants" Kaaren laughed. Dylan shrugged his shoulders red creeping into his cheeks, "Yeah, well we'll see." Jerrica stifled a laugh and took the box from her mother. "You two help me get these boxes and things inside and you can pick out your bedrooms when we are finished." Kaaren stated walking back to the pile in the gravel drive. After each box and duffle bags were put into their proper places with the exception of personal items Jerrica ran up the stairs while Dylan crept quietly around the entire house. Shaking her head with a smile Kaaren set about the living room with cleaning supplies in hand and began to clean.

Jerrica opened each door she as she saw one, rushed in, looked around then bounded back to the hall slamming the door shut as she went. There were six bedrooms, the attic entry, and a bathroom on the top floor. The first door to her left opened up to a huge bedroom with a stone fireplace. The walls were painted a sandy brown with cherry wood trim. Jerrica quickly exited thinking the room too stuffy and old. The first door on the right revealed a plain room painted robin egg blue with dark blue trim and two connecting windows that looked at an old tree to the side of the house. Jerrica wrinkled her nose and loudly stated, "Nope!" slamming the door. The second door to her left Jerrica found another room much like the first only half the size and painted all white. She quickly slammed that door to pounce on the door opposite the hall. This room was painted all pale yellow and white with pretty wood carved trim around the windows. Jerrica stood in the middle of the room for a few minutes with her eyes closed, but felt nothing so she decided to continue. Reaching the third door on the left Jerrica found the narrow stairwell leading to the attic. Shuddering, she quickly slammed the door. Attics and basements always gave her the creeps. Rushing across the hall to her right Jerrica flung the door open to a massive bathroom. As old fashioned as it was Jerrica loved it. The old cast iron tub with clawed feet was painted pale sea foam green. The walls were painted the colors of the sea with each wall a different shade of greens and blues. The cabinet to the side of the sink was covered in pearlite material that felt like smooth marble. To the left of the room was a door that seemed to melt into the wall. Jerrica would not have noticed it if it weren't for the lonely seashell that doubled as a door handle. She thought about opening it, but first wanted to find her bedroom. She had plenty of time for inspections afterward she thought to herself. Closing the bathroom door Jerrica skipped to the last door on her left. Once she opened the door she took a quick look around the pink room. She liked how girly this room seemed, but once she stepped foot across the entry a chill shot up her spine leaving goose bumps on her arms and the little hairs on the back of her neck stood out. Filled with unwarranted fear Jerrica quickly slammed the door tightly shut. Not understanding her panic Jerrica rushed into the last door on her right and was struck with sudden awe. Looking around her with wide eyes Jerrica had walked into the most beautiful room she had ever seen. To her left was a huge bay window. The window seat was covered in deep purple velvet which matched the lavender trim perfectly. Three of the four walls were painted the perfect shade of purple. Not as light as lavender, but not dark enough to be considered grape. The trim, ceiling, and all three doors were painted a pastel green. The wall directly in front of her was covered in glass marbles of every shade of purple, green, white, black, and orange imaginable. This was it, this was her room. Jerrica laughed and clapped her hands together in excitement and flew to the two doors to her right. One was a very deep closet and the other led her back into the bathroom. She was grateful when she noticed the lock on the knob from her side of the door. Leaving her bedroom door open she raced down the hall and stairs to her mother yelling, "I found it! I found my room momma it's perfect!" Laughing Kaaren looked up just in time to side step Jerrica from throwing her body around her own, "Well that's good honey. How about you take your things up there now." Jerrica kissed her mother on the cheek with an exaggerated sound and began gathering her personal belongings then rushing to her room once more.

Dylan wasn't as impressed as his sister or his mother with the house. He thought it drab and out of date. He sauntered through the old fashioned kitchen and looked around. Although the appliances were all up to date and the kitchen seemed to fully functional to the naked eye he just knew the wires wouldn't be able to hold up. Swearing under his breath about fires breaking out all over he walked curiously to two doors standing side by side. Opening on he found a walk in pantry which was of no interest to him, but the other door opened up to a set of concrete stairs leading down to a basement. Pulling the cord to the single bulb the steps were covered in a dim light. Reaching the bottom of the steps a light switch caught his attention. Flipping it to the upward position the entire basement was illuminated with bright florescent beams. Dust and cobwebs decorated every corner of the basement, but it seemed as if it was once used as some sort of room. Grey carpet reached wall to wall and the cement block walls were covered in grey sealant paint. Along the top of the east wall was a row of tiny windows that were covered in mirrored tint. The west wall nested two brown wooden doors and one wooden door on the north wall. Opening each he found one held a small bathroom with only a sink, toilet, and shower. The one beside the bathroom was a small closet with a wooden bar for hanging clothes, and the last door was where the workings of the house were nestled. Whatever this wooden door was made of muffled the sounds of the water heater, plumbing pipes, and furnace. A slow smile crept across Dylan's face. Oh yes, I have found my spot. Slowly, Dylan made his way back to where his mother was still cleaning in the living room and began to grab his boxes and duffle bags quietly. Kaaren turned as she saw movement from out of the corner of her eye, "Have you found your room Dylan?" Without looking up he mumbled an affirmative. Kaaren stopped her cleaning, "Well, which room did you decide on? I didn't notice you going up the stairs with your sister." Dylan stood, belongings in hand, and faced his mother, "I wasn't up there. I'm gonna stay in the basement." Putting her fisted hands on her hips Kaaren stated, "Dylan, the basement, really?" Dylan let out an exaggerated puff of air, "Oh come on Mom the whole thing this completely finished I don't see a problem with it. Besides, I need my privacy." With that said Dylan continued his path to the basement without looking back, leaving his mother rooted to the floor slack jawed.

Kaaren shook her head wondering if Dylan was ever going to go back to the energetic teen who loved to joke and play around. His romp with his sister earlier gave her hope, but apparently his attentiveness was short lived. Just as Kaaren finished cleaning every inch of the living room, even polishing the hardwood floors, she decided to tackle the kitchen. Taking her supplies and sitting them on the ceramic tiled counter she walked back into the living room to get her Pepsi she had forgotten. She was struck immobile again when she noticed the fireplace tools were placed neatly one by one on the freshly polished floor in front of the stone hearth. Dylan had not resurfaced from the basement and surely she would have noticed him stacking the tools side by side wouldn't she? Taking pains to create a distance between herself and the fireplace Kaaren walked to the bottom of the stairs and yelled, "Jerrica have you been back down here in the last few minutes?" Jerrica appeared at the top step, "No momma I'm trying to create a masterpiece of my room." Kaaren nodded her head and proceeded to pick up the tools and place them back in their metal basket. Maybe she had just forgotten to put them back after cleaning the mantle and the hearth. That had to be it. What other explanation could there be? Lost in her thoughts Kaaren jumped and screamed at the knock on the wooden frame of the screen door, "Ma'am?" came a concerned baritone voice from the porch. Kaaren whirled around with eyes as wide as teacup saucers, "You just scared the shit out of me!" she yelled. Trying to hide a smirk the scruffy man at the door replied, "Sorry Mrs. Starms I didn't mean to. Just letting you know us movers are here so you can tell us where to put everything." Collecting her wits Kaaren smoothed the non-existent creases from her shorts, nodded her head and walked out onto the wooden porch. Dylan and Jerrica came running at the sound of their mother's screams only to find the living room empty. Looking at each other in fear Jerrica was just about to speak when voices were heard outside. Both walking through the screen door relief flooded them both as they watched their mother supervising the movers as they took furniture and boxes from the back of the tractor trailer. Moving aside to let the movers do their job Dylan grabbed Jerrica's arm pulling her out of the way of the walking mattress heading toward the door. Once the path was clear Jerrica and Dylan returned to their rooms so ensure furniture was put where they wanted and nothing had been broken in the move. After the last box was set down and the movers were finished Kaaren tipped each one and walked back into the house closing the front door behind her. Dylan and Jerrica were sitting on the living room couch looking around at the colossal mess. Kaaren sighed heavily, "Well guys, I guess it looks like it's a trip to town to see what kind of restaurants they have for dinner." Both kids agreed and followed their mother to the Durango.

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