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Chapter three

Driving back into town took about 20 minutes. The speed limit of 15 miles an hour was mind boggling and Kaaren's foot was itching to press the gas pedal. "So, what will it be guys McDonalds, Sonic, or the diner?" Jerrica pushed her head through the space between the front seats, "How about Sonic Momma? We never had one close enough before." Dylan grunted his agreement. Turning into the parking lot on her right Kaaren parked her Durango in the diagonal space under the awning and switched off the ignition. After ordering their food Jerrica chatted away about all the things she saw around them and where she would like to visit first. A young girl in her Sonic's uniform skated toward the Durango with a tray piled with food, her change belt dangling on slender hips. Not being able to reach Kaaren from the driver's side she rolled herself to the passenger side clipping the tray to the slot where the door's window was nestled. "$18.62 please", came the soft shy voice behind their dinner. Kaaren tried to hand Dylan a 20 dollar bill. She had to nudge his arm to get his attention and when he turned to her a slight blush crept over his tanned cheeks. Without a word he took the money and handed to the young girl. "Keep the change sweetie" Kaaren said. With a mumbled thank you the girl quickly made her way back into the fast food building and disappeared inside. Dylan silently handed out the food and shoved several fries into his mouth to avoid Kaaren's questioning look.

Dylan was in awe of the small beautiful girl who delivered their food. Her long black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail reminded him of a midnight waterfall. Looking into her tired eyes she had quickly looked away, but not before he noticed the almost silver irises hiding underneath a long flow of thick lashes. He had looked down and saw the crooked name tag said Abbi. He mentally filed away the information and decided he would make it his goal to find out who this Abbi was. He had never met anyone as beautiful as her nor had anyone caused his heart to race and his hands to sweat by just a brief glance.

After all the food was consumed and the small shy girl picked up the tray and the remaining trash Kaaren pulled slowly away from the fast food restaurant and made her way back home. Home, she thought, what an ironic word. Home is where the heart is as the saying goes, but Kaaren's heart lays in a six foot hole at Sacred Heart Cemetery. Is this how her life will be from now on, full of heart ache and loneliness? How is she supposed to live without her soul mate, her best friend? Forcing herself back to the present and plastering a fake smile on her face she put the protective shield in its rightful place in order to keep strong for her children. She would have plenty enough time to cry and contemplate life when she goes to bed. Maybe this first night in the new house will help since most memories were left at the now sold family home.

With stomachs full, the night breeze flowing gently through the windows Kaaren and the kids decided an early night would be best. Jerrica and Dylan went to their respective corners of the house to take showers and get ready for bed leaving Kaaren alone in the living room. She sat on the brown and cream colored sofa with her feet curled up underneath her and looked around the room. She was satisfied with her purchase of the house and was more than happy to be in the confines of a small town, but she wondered, not for the first time, if she had made the right decision to move her kids so far away from everything they have ever known. Meeting new people and experiencing new things was a good thing right? Young people adjust to change pretty well right? Jerrica is still her happy upbeat self, but Dylan has yet to snap out of his gloomy mood. Moving here will do him good right? All these questions and more have been running through her mind since the moment she made her decision to buy this house, when she decided to leave Kem. "Kem", she whispered as tears streamed down her pale cheeks, "Why did you have to leave me so soon? Why couldn't I have been the one to die first?" Burying her body deeper into the cushions of the sofa Kaaren wrapped her arms around a throw pillow and sobbed. Bolting awake out of a dead sleep Kaaren jumped to her feet at full alert looking about the room in confusion. Shaking, Kaaren wondered what it was that had her nerves in an uproar. Looking at the clock over the mantel of the fireplace she saw that it was 3:33 in the morning. Kaaren rubbed her fists over her eyes and taking deep breaths she calmed her heartbeat. Grabbing her glass off the coffee table she made her way into the kitchen and turned on the light. The glass almost slipped from her hand as she stifled a scream threatening to rise from her throat. Every cabinet in the kitchen was open and a box that had been unopened was now emptied on the kitchen table in a magnificent art form. Bowls and plates were stacked on top of one another in such a way that defied gravity. One large dinner plate stood on its side holding up a small bowl with two large bowls balanced on top of it. This pattern continued up about three feet with a crystal vase resting as the highest center piece. Kaaren slowly made her way to the kitchen counter and quietly placed her glass in the sink. Pulling her cellphone from her pocket she tried to take a picture of the masterpiece before her, but her battery suddenly died. "Shit!" Kaaren muttered and raced up the stairs to get jerrica's phone. Sneaking in her room she grabbed her cellphone only to discover it too was dead. Making a last minute decision she shook Jerrica awake, "Jerrica wake up sweetie hurry. I need to you to come downstairs with me." Jerrica lifted up on her elbows groggily, "W..What time is it?" Swallowing her irritation Kaaren pulled Jerrica to her feet, "It's three something now come on!" Dragging her daughter behind her Kaaren quickly made her way back into the kitchen pointing, "Do you see that? Did you or your brother do this while I slept?" Jerrica looked at her mother quizzically, "Do what momma, there's nothing there." Kaaren turned on her heal to see an empty table with the still sealed box that had 'KITCHEN' written on its side sitting in the kitchen chair where she had directed the movers to put it. Confused, Kaaren looked from the kitchen table to Jerrica, "What in the hell? It was.....I know I saw.....oh never mind just go back to sleep!" Jerrica turned on her heel and tiredly went back to bed. Kaaren looked around the kitchen one last time before switching off the light. Checking the front door to make sure it was locked and turning off the remaining lights she made her way up the stairs to the master bedroom. Stripping off all her clothes Kaaren slipped between her cool cotton sheets only letting the comforter cover her feet. As she drifted off to sleep she mentally repeated, "I know it was there, I know it was there."

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