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     Dylan pulled into the parking lot of the local market and slid the Durango into a slot close to the front doors.  Throwing the gear into park he turned to his sister, "Okay, so this is how we do this. You take the list and get the groceries while I go next door to the hardware store. We meet up here afterward then I'll treat you to a Sonic sundae before we go home." Jerrica looked at Dylan with a sly grin, "Does this have anything to do with that pretty girl that works there big brother?" Dylan shoved the list at Jerrica then opened his door, "Just get the food and meet me back here!" Jerrica's laughter followed Dylan as he stalked to the shop next to the market.

      Stepping up to the grey cement block building Dylan shook his head at the sight of the company sign.  Tatter's Hardware painted high on the building was spelled out with various tools. Dylan had to admit using claw hammers as the T's was pretty clever, but still amused by the small town look. A round red faced man stood behind the counter in a heated debate with a tall elderly man who looked as if he were Paul Bunion himself.  Both men were completely oblivious to Dylan's entrance so he quickly and quietly made his way down the isles looking for the wood stain his mother requested. 

     As Dylan studied the various cans of stain, deciding which one would be best for his mother's project, his ears perked up to the old mens' conversation.  "Hey you hear the old Myers house was bought right?" asked the round man who suddenly reminded Dylan of a weeble wobble toy. "Yeah I heard some woman and her kids got a hold of it", replied the old lumber jack. "I'm surprised it even sold. You think that woman was told?" the counter man asked. "Hell Carl I bet not! If she knew she would've run right back to whatever big city she come from!" Carl looked up suddenly at the sound of the can that dropped from Dylan's hand, "You need help there son?" Dylan felt his ears grow hot and stuttered, "N-n-no sir. I found what I needed." Quickly grabbing 5 cans of mahogany wood stain Dylan made his way to the counter. Carl rang up Dylan's purchases casually making small talk that landed Dylan in an internal battle of wanting more information yet wanting to flee the store as fast as possible.  "You got a project you working on son?" Carl asked. "Yes" was Dylan's simple reply finding the money in his hand suddenly very interesting.  The tall elderly man standing to the side of the counter asked, "Are you new here or just visitin'? I've never seen you around before." Dylan glanced to his right, " I-I just moved here".  The burly man wrapped his meaty paw around Dylan's hand and shook vigorously, "Well welcome to Santos Valley boy! My name's Rork and I own the bakery just down the way!" Dylan's eyes grew wide, surprised that this huge old man played with dough instead of owning something like a garage or construction company or hell, fresh out of prison! Dylan stumbled a thank you as he paid for his things and rushed out of the hardware store. "Do you reckon he knew we were talkin' about him Carl?" Rork asked scratching at his long grey beard. "Nah", answered carl, "How could he? But I sure hope they're ready."

     Dylan rushed back to the empty SUV and sighed, "What the hell was that?!" Dylan wondered who the Myers were and what happened to them. It must have been pretty bad to spook those two old coots.  He text Jerrica letting her know he was waiting in the SUV and started rapping a steady beat on the stearing wheel  with impatient fingers. Well mom, he thought, looks like we need to have a chat.

     Kaaren wiped the sweat from her brow and leaned back on her haunches inspecting her handiwork. "Yup" she said aloud, "I'm good". The kitchen shone brightly in the afternoon Sun. She had just finished cleaning the floor on her hands and knees until it glittered like a freshly cut diamond.  While the kids were gone Kaaren attacked the house like a severe OCD patient.  Only three rooms left upstairs and this will finally be a home.  "Home" she sighed. Will this ever really be a home without Kem or just a life filled with emptiness until death decided to claim her?  Getting up Kaaren grabbed her cleaning supplies and made fresh water and pinesol in the bucket. Snatching three clean rags from the utility closet she made her way up the stairs. It's a good thing Tracee gave her a second vacuum cleaner so she didn't have to trudge her own up and down the stairs. Kaaren flung open the door to the last spare bedroom in the left and begun her cleaning once again.

     Dylan and Jerrica pulled into a space at sonic and ordered their ice cream, "So you see Dylan, that's why I said we have to at least pretend to like it here so mom will stop crying!"  Jerrica crossed her arms over her chest.  Dylan ran a hand through his hair, a habilt passed down from his mother, "I'm not saying we should boycott this whole town or anything Jerr I'm just saying we need to consider asking mom how she found the house and who the people were who used to live there. We should keep our options open to the possibility that we aught to move back home."  Jerrica clucked her tongue, " Don't you get it?! This place, the house, the town, all of it, IS home to mom!"  Jerrica jumped at the light knock on her window. Rolling it down the pale face and silver eyes became visible taking Dylan's breath away. Jerrica put in her brightest smile and greeted the shy girl, "Hi! You waited in us yesterday. How are you?"  Abbi looked down at her hands mumbling a fine and requested the fee the receipt requested. Jerrica raised her eye brow at her brother then got that look she gets when her mind goes into creative overdrivet. "Shit" Dylan cursed under his breath.  Jerrica handed abbi the money, "So Abbi, what is there to do around this town? We're new here. I'm Jerrica and this here is my brother Dylan. Say hello Dylan!"  "Hello Dylan" he grumbled.  Abbi let out a light giggle then stammered, "H-h-how did you know my name?"  "It's on your tag" Dylan replied. Abbi's cheeks glowed red, her embarrassment clear, "Oh yeah. Well I best be off." and she rushed inside the restaurant. "Smooth baby sis real smooth!"  Dylan startred the SUV. Jerrica laughed,"what's wrong did I embarrass you?" then shoved her mouth full of ice cream and fudge.

Sweating and grunting Kaaren was half way through with wiping the last of the cobwebs and dust from the floor boards in the last room as a quick breeze froze the sweat on the back of her neck.  Stopping in midswipe Kaaren leaned up and looked around the room. Nothing.  As she prepared to continue a faint child's giggle echoed through the room followed by the overpowering smell of baby powder.  Kaaren got to her feet looking around the room. "What the hell?" Kaaren whispered.  Goosebumps traveled up her arms and she closed her eyes shaking her head. I'm losing my damn mind she thought then let out a shreak at the sound of a slamming door from downstairs reached her tightened senses. Quickly gathering her cleaning supplies Kaaren rushed from the room, down the stairs, through the kitchen, and out the back door.  Putting the bucket and cleaning catty on the porch she noticed how badly her hands were shaking.  Taking a deep breath Kaaren poured the dirty water on the lawn and sprayed out the the bucket.  With that done she stretched her limbs to get the kinks from her back as her eyes landed on the quiet form of a little girl sitting with her back to the cotton field that aligned her property on one side.    Searching the area with her gaze for an adult, the child's mother maybe, but finding the yard empty Kaaren stepped off the porch making her way slowly to the little girl.  Her head of springy blond curls glistened like spun silk, her pink dress covered in lacy layers spread across the grass.  Kaaren, using her most motherly tone approched her softly, "Hi there. Where's your mamma?"  The little girl, no more than three years old, looked up turning her big doe eyes Kaaren. Slowly placing a finger to her lips she quietly spoke, "Ssshh... you'll wake up daddy".  With that she jumped to her bare feet and took off through the field.  Startled Kaaren yelled,"Hey wait!" and ran through the field after her.  About 20 yards in the little girls curly head was no longer visible Stopping Kaaren in her tracks.  Looking all around her the little girl was nowhere in sight. Calling out a few times and hearing nothing Kaaren made her way back to the house.  Inside the house the closet slammed in the last bedroom on the left and a giggle echoed through the room once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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