Chapter Seventeen: Bound

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Chapter Seventeen: Bound

Alex's eyes fluttered open, his vision blurry at first as he struggled to adjust to the dim light. His head felt heavy, and there was a dull ache throbbing at the back of his skull. Blinking a few times, he tried to lift his hand, but something tugged painfully at his arm.

His eyes slowly focused on the source of the pull—a thin tube snaked from his arm, connected to an IV drip beside the bed. Panic rose in his chest, his breathing quickening. His arm was strapped down, the band securing the IV in place too tight, leaving little room for movement.

He tried to sit up but was immediately met with a cold, heavy weight on his legs. He looked down, and his heart dropped.

Thick metal chains were wrapped around his ankles, binding him to the bed. The chain gleamed under the faint light, its presence unmistakable and suffocating.

"No..." Alex whispered, his voice hoarse and dry. His hands trembled as he reached down to tug at the chains, hoping against hope that they were loose, but they didn’t budge. They were fastened tightly to the foot of the bed, leaving him no room to move beyond a slight stretch.

He was trapped.

Alex’s chest rose and fell rapidly, the cold metal against his skin sending a shiver down his spine. He wasn’t in the corridor anymore; he was in a room—a bedroom, but unfamiliar. The walls were bare, and the windows were covered with heavy curtains, allowing only the faintest slivers of light to seep through.

He shifted, feeling a breeze brush against his skin. It was then that he realized he was only wearing a shirt. No pants, no underwear—just a loose shirt that barely covered his thighs. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment and fear. The fabric was soft, almost like it belonged to someone else. It wasn’t his.

Where were his clothes?

His heart pounded harder now, and he desperately scanned the room for any sign of an escape. The door was shut tight, and the room, although large, was devoid of anything that could help him free himself.

He yanked at the chains again, but they only clinked in response, a cruel reminder of his captivity. The cold metal cut into his skin, making his wrists sore as he pulled harder, refusing to accept that this was happening.

"Let me go..." he muttered under his breath, fear creeping into his voice. "Please..."

But the only answer he got was the soft, steady drip of the IV.

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