Chapter 3 - My Ice King

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Arjun's POV

It was just another patient I thought and I was in my usual cheerful with worrisome state. While heading towards my cabin I glanced at the chart for my next patient.

Aryan Mehta. 25. Checkup.

"Easy enough," I thought. Just another routine appointment, another opportunity to sprinkle some sunshine into someone's day.

But then when I opened the door, where my eyes met an another beautiful pair of eyes. He looked at me directly, those mesmerizing hazel eyes locking with mine for just a second, It was like my world stops to focus only him but his stares turned cold making him the grumpiest-looking human being I had ever laid eyes on. 

Aryan looked like he'd rather be anywhere else on the planet. Tall, cute, muscular with piercing cold stares that could've frozen fire, and a scowl so deep it could've split the Earth. Trailing behind him was his father, a jovial-looking man who, judging by his apologetic expression, was used to Aryan's stony demeanor.

"Hi !" I said, my usual warmth cranked up to max. "I'm Dr. Rao—Arjun, if you prefer. What brings you two in today?"

Aryan glared at me like I had just asked him to recite the alphabet backwards. He plopped into the chair without so much as a greeting. His father, chuckling nervously, filled the awkward silence. "Aryan is not exactly a fan of doctors. Been like this since he was a kid."

"Ah," I said, undeterred. "Well, I promise I'm not as bad as dentists. And I definitely don't bite... unless you ask nicely." I flashed a smile, hoping to crack Aryan's icy exterior. Nothing. I've seen statues more expressive.

I busied myself with his chart, but my mind was racing. I mean, who wouldn't notice him? He was like something out of a novel—a mysterious, cold, brooding figure. My heart was beating a little faster than usual, but I chalked it up to nerves. Or maybe attraction. Love at first sight? Nah, that can't be... right?

"So, Aryan," I said, breaking the silence, "here for a standard checkup? Or are you secretly here for a spy mission on your ex? ."

( Maybe mene kuch jyada bol diya lagta hai ) 

Aryan's glare intensified, if that was even possible. His dad chuckled again, but Aryan? Stone-faced. Tough crowd.

"I'm here because my dad dragged me here and I appreciate if you make it quick," Aryan replied coldly, his voice low and rough. 

Alright, Mr. Ice King, I thought, keeping my usual smile plastered on. "Sure thing! Let's start with the basics. No point in torturing you longer than necessary, right?"

I approached with my stethoscope, and as I leaned in to listen to his heart, I could feel the tension radiating off him. His chest was solid, his heartbeat steady—but my own heart was racing. Focus, Arjun, focus. I've seen plenty of attractive patients before, but this? This felt different.

"So," I said, trying to distract myself from the weird fluttering in my stomach, "what do you do for fun when you're not glaring at innocent doctors?"

Aryan didn't miss a beat. "I make lists of doctors I plan to avoid."

I blinked, then grinned. A savage with a sense of humor! "Ooh, well, I hope I make it to the top of that list. You know, being memorable and all."

His father burst into laughter, but Aryan... nothing. I swore I saw a flicker of something—was that amusement? Or just indigestion?

I continued with the checkup, throwing in a few more jokes for good measure. Aryan remained stoic, answering only in the shortest possible responses, but I kept at it. I'd get through to him eventually, I was sure of it. I was on a mission now.

By the end of the exam, I couldn't resist one last jab. "Well, Aryan you've survived. Congratulations! Maybe next time, we can make it more exciting? Bring some knitting or a crossword puzzle? I can't promise I'm always this entertaining."

Aryan finally looked at me directly, in the faintest, most fleeting moment, the corner of his mouth twitched. It wasn't a smile exactly, but it was close enough.

"Maybe," he muttered, before walking out the door with his dad.

As the door closed behind him, I stood there for a moment, blinking. Did he just... was that almost a smile? My heart was still racing, and I couldn't help but grin like a idiot.

( Well Arjun, maybe I'm getting crazier. )

When I snap out of my thoughts , I spot someone peeking inside my cabin

When I snap out of my thoughts , I spot someone peeking inside my cabin

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