Prologue : The past of the conflicting kingdoms

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The Kingdom of Arcaladia and the Theocracy of Alik had begun a war so bloody that other races and communities, caught in the middle of their clashes, were forced to choose between fleeing or defending their lands. These were in the territory known as the Veztuo Empire, a fertile and varied land that resisted the devastation of war.

In the arid lands of the Theocracy of Alik, the silence was interrupted only by the metallic sound of warriors sharpening their swords and preparing their armor created with the inherited knowledge of the Dwarves. 

The ancient structures, eroded by time and the harsh conditions of the place, recalled a time of splendor and strength. Among the citizens of Alik the story was told of a mysterious wizard with gray hair and an imposing voice, who had arrived with promises of protection and power, declaring that he was a God. Without resistance, the inhabitants accepted his mandate, and thus he consolidated himself as the highest authority in Alik.

[Map of the Northern part before the war between Alik and Arcaladia]

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[Map of the Northern part before the war between Alik and Arcaladia]

Meanwhile, in the distant Kingdom of Arcaladia, a fertile and prosperous land, its inhabitants, many of them wizards, watched with suspicion the growing power of the Theocracy of Alik. In particular, the Temple of Rya, settled in the territory of Alik and home to a large group of beings with magical abilities. The Temple of Rya maintained a tense truce with Alik, the relationship always hanging by a thread. Amid whispers and rumors, the temple's leader, a mysterious priest named Carbeneyo, was said to possess arcane and unknown knowledge that gave him power over death.

Alik, relentless in his hatred of all beings who used magic, decided to destroy the Kingdom of Arcaladia and expand to take its fertile lands, considering them a threat to his faith and power. For its part, the kingdom of Arcaladia decided to act. The kingdom also shared a particular dislike of witches, who unlike wizards did not need to recite incantations to channel their powers. Witches practiced quick and lethal magic, something the Arcaladian higher-ups viewed with caution and distrust. On the other hand, the Temple of Rya partially worshipped death-related witches.

The First Battle

A gray and tense day was the scene of the first great battle. Leading the army of Arcaladia was Commander Mesiol, a warrior of great skill with the sword. He wore an inconspicuous costume and wielded a light sword, which he wielded with a skill that his soldiers admired. Rumors of his speed in combat, of his agile and precise movements, were known even beyond the borders of Arcaladia.

The soldiers advanced in formation toward the Temple of Rya, confident in the strength of their numbers. The clang of swords and the sound of the footsteps of thousands of soldiers echoed as they approached the immense temple, whose walls seemed to be carved by divine hands. With each step, the commander Mesiol saw how the architecture of the temple, strange and majestic, defied the constructions of his own kingdom.

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