Café Traviesa

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Castiel lounged on the counter of Gabriel's coffee shop, scanning the crowd while chatting aimlessly with his brother. Noting no disturbances in the quiet murmur of conversations, Castiel turned fully to study his brother over his cup of free, and admittedly delicious, coffee.

"Gabe," Castiel locked his blue eyes on to his brother's brown, "Are you happy here? Are you willing to make this work?" Gabriel quickly nodded in ascent, opening his mouth to reply, ready to argue that he knew what he was doing and didn't need the lecture from the last member of his family who didn't yet consider him a failure.

"Wait, just listen," Castiel put down his coffee and leaned over the counter to grab his brother's shoulder, "What you're doing here is great! You've gotten great reviews everywhere I've looked and your coffee is excellent. I am willing to support you in this endeavor of yours, especially if it means exiling myself from the mess we call a family. You've got an extra room I can rent up there, right?" Castiel gestured at the ceiling, towards the apartment above the shop.

"Of course! And you don't have to pay rent, I just-" Gabriel turned quickly when he heard a man clear his throat near the register. Castiel turned as well and locked eyes with the attractive man, blushed crimson, mumbled something about finding a seat to finish grading papers to Gabe, and left, forgetting his coffee on the counter as he bent to pick up his laptop bag.

Castiel hurried himself along to his preferred table in the secluded corner, under the neon sign that proclaimed OPEN in large, bold letters, casting a vague red-blue glare on his laptop screen and papers. Castiel glanced up at his brother as he spread out his students' papers, greeted with the sight of Gabe's eyes glinting playfully as he talked animatedly with the stranger while waiting for his coffee to finish brewing, only to be reminded once again why he told his brother to call the shop Café Traviesa. Smiling warmly, Castiel turned his attention to grading and zoned out the background chatter. 

 Intent on finishing his grading before his lunch break was over, Castiel did not notice the man sit down across form him until his forgotten cup was held in front of his nose, steaming up his glasses. 

"Your brother filled it up and said ya might want company," the man said by way of introduction as Castiel wiped his glasses on the hem of his un-tucked button down, "I'm Dean...Winchester, by the way." Suddenly sheepish, the man, Dean, set down the cup and ran a hand through his hair, head down, peering up at Castiel through his lashes. 

 "Umm..." Castiel shuffled papers around frantically and pulled the coffee towards him, all the while silently cursing his brother for sending this attractive stranger his way. 

 "If you're busy, I can leave," Dean stood in the booth, grabbing his coffee and looking thoroughly embarrassed. 

 "No, stay!" Castiel responded quickly, standing up to grab Dean's arm, spilling his newly refilled cup of coffee across his papers and laptop. 

 "Dammit," Castiel mumbled, quickly forgetting Dean, as he grabbed his soaked laptop off the table. Castiel used his sleeve to try and sop up as much of the coffee from the keyboard as he could, turning the computer over to let the liquid drain out.

 "Here, use this," a breathless male voice panted in his ear. Castiel turned around to see Dean, standing all too close, holding what clearly was one of Gabe's towels from behind the bar. Castiel took the proffered towel and continued to try and save his laptop, letting Dean work on the mess that was his students' latest assignment. 

 "What'ch ya want me to do with these?" Castiel looked up to see Dean holding a dripping stack of coffee stained papers, looking so happy to help, he couldn't help but grin. 

 "Just chuck 'em," Castiel replied with a light chuckle, "I've got digital copies on this laptop and the school's desktop." Dean smiled in return and walked away to deposit the ruined papers in the nearest trash can. Castiel watched him walk away and looked back down at his laptop and wrapped it in the towel, deciding that nothing more could be done at the moment. 

 "You're a teacher?" Dean asked, returning to the table.

 "Yeah, an English Professor over at the college a couple blocks over," Castiel replied, looking down at his watch, "And, I actually have a class starting...five minutes ago! Good bye, Dean. Thank you for your help." 

 Castiel grabbed his bag and shoved sticky laptop inside quickly, leaving Dean standing dumbfounded by the table. He chucked the towel at Gabriel as he walked past the counter with a word of thanks.

 "Moving in tonight or tomorrow, little bro?" Gabe asked, stopping Castiel to finish their earlier, interrupted, conversation. 

 "Tomorrow, Gabe. I've got classes until seven but, I'll swing back around tonight at nine to help you close up."

 "You'd better. You made quite the mess over there with your new boy toy."

 "Goodbye, Gabe." 

  "Goodbye, Gabe."

"I'll see you tonight." 

 "Yeah, yeah, you're late. Get to class!"

 Castiel turned to leave and walked out of the shop, wishing the twelve minute walk to campus that he usually enjoyed was shorter. He already didn't have the assignment that he promised to hand back today graded and it was never prudent to be late in the second week of classes. Interrupting his thoughts, a motorcycle roared to life in the parking lot next to the shop and stopped on the street in front of Castiel. 

 "Need a ride?" Dean grinned, taking off his helmet and tossing it at Castiel, who caught it, looking shocked, "I'll trade ya. Gimme your name and number and I'll give ya a ride to school."

 "Uh, sure," Castiel pulled on the helmet got on the bike, deciding he would take a chance on this man than be even later to class, again. All he got was a Hold On! from Dean and they were off.

Café Traviesa (Supernatural - Castiel/Dean)Where stories live. Discover now