Closing Time

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Walking home in the cool autumn air, Castiel wondered again what had possessed him to give Dean, a total, albeit cute, stranger, his business card, with his personal cell scribbled on the back in smeared red ink. Castiel picked up his pace, as time had gotten away from him again, and he needed to be at his brother's shop ten minutes ago.

Castiel's ears perked up when he heard a motorcycle turn on to the street he was walking along, subconsciously hoping it was dean. When the motorcycle continued past, Castiel's shoulders slumped and he belittled himself for ever wanting Dean to swoop in and save him again. No one wanted someone as fundamentally boring as an English teacher.

Lost in his own train of progressively darker thoughts, Castiel started when the motorcycle looped back and pulled over next to him.

"I thought that was you," Dean pulled off his helmet, "Nice coat." Castiel pulled his trench coat tighter, defensive.

"No, really, Cas, I like it," Dean continued with a gentle smile, sensing Castiel's discomfort, "Ride?"

"Yeah, thanks," Castiel pulled on the offered helmet, "What did you call me? Cas, was it?"

"Oh, you don't like it," Dean looked dismayed, "Sorry, Castiel."

Castiel thought for a minute before replying and climbing on the back of the bike, "No, I actually really do like it. You may call me what ever you wish."

Over the roar of the revving bike, Castiel vaguely heard reply, "Okay, Angel," and they were off, racing towards Gabe's now darkened coffee shop.

Castiel used the key Gabriel had given him to enter the closed shop and Dean trailed in behind with a gesture from Castiel. There was no sign of Gabriel, but Castiel easily spotted a note with Gabe's familiar handwriting, telling him to eat the leftover sweets and go to bed, alone ;) Castiel smiled, knowing that his brother was just teasing, and grabbed the aforementioned pastries, sitting down at a table across from Dean after grabbing some milk from the fridge.

"So," Castiel grabbed a pastry, motioning for Dean to do the same, "Are you stalking me or am I just lucky?"

"What!?" Dean sputtered, choking on a bite of pastry, "No...Yes...Kinda. I heard you and your brother talking about closing up the shop, and I wanted to see you again... You were kinda lucky though that we were both running late or you would have had to walk."

"Dean, I always walk. I don't have a car," Castiel always enjoyed the look of shock on people's faces when he told them he walked everywhere, "If I need to go far, I just borrow Gabe's. Everything I need is right here."

Dean looked thoughtful as he grabbed another pastry, "I guess you're right. But, I own the auto shop on 16th. I could probably hook you up with a bike."

"But I'd rather have you drive me around, Stud-Muffin" Castiel smirked, hoping to get a rise out of Dean.

"Anytime, Angel," dean replied, unfazed.

Castiel and Dean talk about everything and nothing, both feeling as if they have known the other forever, until they lapse into a comfortable silence, sitting in the dark shop, features illuminated only by the streetlights outside the windows.

Eventually, Castiel stood up and grabbed the dirty dishes and placed them in the dishwasher, turning on the timer. Stretching, Dean walked around the counter to stand behind Castiel and wrap his arms around his middle.

When Castiel looked back at Dean quizzically, he explained, "You've had your hands all over me twice today. I thought it was my turn."

Castiel turned in his embrace and pressed a chaste kiss to Dean's lips, which was returned with enthusiasm. Pulling away, he grabbed Dean's hand and led him to the door, "Time to go, Stud-Muffin, It's two in the morning. Gabe will be down to open shop in a few hours."

Once Castiel made sure the door to the shop was locked, Dean pulled on their still entwined hands, leading Castiel towards his bike, unwilling to let him walk home alone at this hour.

Castiel smiled and allowed himself to be lead, whispering his address to Dean as they both climbed on the bike. Dean nodded and started the bike, kicking off the ground and starting on the route to Castiel's home.

As Dean pulled on to the correct street, he looked back to Castiel for further directions.

"There," Castiel pointed to a large house on the end of the street, "With the red Corvette in the driveway"

"Wow," Dean looked impressed as Castiel handed him his helmet, "You live here?"

"For now," Castiel muttered, "It's my parent's. I'm actually leaving tomorrow to move in with Gabe above the shop."

"Want help?" Dean asked, trying not to seem too eager, "Owning my shop means I get to set my own hours, and I just decided to take the weekend off."

"Sure," Castiel smiled, "I actually don't have much to pack. I was planning on leaving soon. One way or another."

"What do you mean?"

"My parents aren't the most understanding about, well, anything, and I mean, I'm twenty-eight, it's time to fly the nest, its not like I can stay there forever. Even though Michel..." Castiel trailed off, looking at Dean sheepishly, "No matter what the reason, it's time to go."

"I understand, Angel," Dean replied, taking both of Castiel's hands in his own, "I still live with my kid brother above my shop, and I lived at home until a couple of years ago. Looks like we're in the same boat."

"Thanks, Dean."

"Anytime, Cas," Dean leaned in until he was inches from Castiel's face and kissed him gently before breaking away.

"This is okay, Right?" Dean asked, suddenly unsure.

"Of course," Castiel replied as he leaned up to place a last kiss on Dean's lips to reinforce just how okay he was, "See you tomorrow, Right?"

"Of course," Dean responded, mirroring Castiel's earlier statement, "Goodnight, Angel."

"Goodnight, Stud-Muffin."

Castiel broke their embrace, pausing to press one last kiss on Dean's lips, and walked to the front door. Castiel unlocked the door and looked back to wave a goodbye to Dean as he backed out of the driveway. Dean raised his hand in a silent salute and Castiel closed the door, feeling tired but content.

Café Traviesa (Supernatural - Castiel/Dean)Where stories live. Discover now