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Castiel and Dean drove to Café Traviesa and parked, leaving Castiel's luggage in the back to deal with after the shop closed; neither wanted to drag the heavy trunks up the narrow staircase when there were costumers in the way, although, they were grateful that there was only one fight of stairs in the new place.

The pair walked in to the shop and waited for Gabriel to be done with a customer before they walked up to the counter.

"Coffee?" Gabe asked, already moving to grab cups before Castiel stopped him.

"Sorry Gabe, not today. We're going to the bar across the street to get burgers. Wanna come? I'm sure Charlie wont mind."

Gabriel looked between the two men and when he decided that Dean did not seem to mind his coming with, he called Charlie over to ask her if she would mind closing up on her own, letting her know that he would be across the street if she needed him.

"Sure!" Charlie replied, chipper as always, "It's only regulars here and there's only an hour and a half 'till closing. It's all good here. I can even bring the keys over to you when I'm done!"

"Thanks, Charlie," Gabriel responded, coming out from around the counter, taking off his apron, "I owe you."

They walked across the street to the bar and when the smell of cooking meat hits Castiel in the face, he realizes just how hungry he was and remembers he hasn't eaten all day. Looking over at Dean, Castiel could guess that he felt the same way, as he was practically salivating.

The three sit down at the bar and order their burgers, ordering a beer each. They sit and chat amiably for a while until Gabriel suddenly announces that he will be paying for all of their meals to celebrate his baby brother finally leaving the nest. When their food arrives, there is little conversation as each man was focused on their individual burger and portion of fries.

After they finish their meals and Gabriel pays, they sit and talk, each drinking their second beer and feeling full and content. When Gabriel turns to peer past Castiel and look at Dean and suddenly falls uncharacteristically silent, Castiel turns around as well to see what feat had rendered his brother speechless and was dismayed when he saw his second eldest brother storming through the crowed bar.

"You left!" Michel accused, getting in Gabriel's face, "And now he's gone and followed you! You were bad on your own but now you've gone and corrupted our brother! And you!" Michel turned angrily to Castiel and was promptly punched in the face by a very angry Dean.

Grabbing the collar of his shirt, Dean pulled a bloodied Michel close and hissed through gritted teeth, "You get in his face again and you'll have a lot more to deal with than a broken nose."

Dean let go of Michel's shirt and he stormed out of the bar without any further comment. Dean turned towards the bartender and apologized.

"Nah. It's okay man," The bartender waved off the apology, "Jerk deserved it. He comes in here sometimes to try and pick up women, guy's a real creep."

"Thanks, Garth," Gabriel said as he put down a few bills to pa for their final round of beers, "You're the man! But we're going to head out in case Michel wants to start something again. Keep the change."

"Come on, Cas," Dean grabbed a silent Castiel's elbow and lead him out of the bar, only to run into Charlie a few feet out of the door.

"I'm so sorry," She said, sounding panicked, shoving the keys at Gabriel, "He told me he was your brother and that he was looking for you because there was a family emergency or something, I'm so sorry, and I just saw him storm out of the bar with his face all messed up and drive off all angry, and I'm so sorry, if I knew what he was going to do, I would have stopped him, I'm so sor-"

"Charlie, it's okay. Breathe," Gabe interrupted her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "No one was hurt but him and I don't think he will be back anytime soon, not as long as he values his face."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Dean responded meekly, rubbing his hand, "I don't know what came over me. I just didn't like him getting in your faces like that."

"It's okay," said Castiel, piping up for the first time since Michel had shown up, sliding his hand into Dean's, "I'm glad you were there. I don't know what he would have done if you hadn't hit him first."

Gabriel smiled at Dean and turned to Charlie, "Come on, I'll walk you to our car."

"Thanks, Gabe," Charlie turned to Castiel and Dean to say her goodbyes, "Goodnight guys. It was nice to meet you Dean."

"Goodnight, Charlie, I'll see you Monday," Castiel smiled.

"'Night, Charlie. Hopefully next time we meet, I won't have just punched out their brother," Dean smiled ruefully.

'Don't worry," Gabriel chimed in, "We've got more."

Charlie and Gabe set off to the parking lot, headed to the bright yellow punch-buggie that was obviously Charlie's, as it was the last car in the lot besides the Impala and Gabe's, which was tucked in close t the building. Now alone, Castiel and Dean stood for a moment before deciding to follow the pair to the parking lot.

"Hey, Angel," Dean began, sounding slightly nervous, "You haven't unpacked at all yet and it's already really late. Do you want to spend the night at my place? My apartment is close and you can borrow clothes so you don't have to dig through your stuff to find anything."

Dean looked so hopeful and for some reason, Castiel trusted him immensely, only after knowing him for a few days. Castiel nodded yes and they made their way to tell Gabe not to worry about Castiel not having a place to sleep. Gabriel nodded with a knowing look and said goodnight, entering the shop to make his way to his apartment.

"Thanks, Stud-Muffin, For everything," Castiel muttered as they climbed into the Impala.

"Anytime, Angel."

Castiel zoned out, looking out the window until they arrived at a garage with a neon sign naming it Winchester's Auto Shop.

"Just a sec, Angel," Dean exited the car, leaving it running to open an empty garage. Coming back to the car, he pulled in and turned off the engine, pulling the garage door down as Castiel got out of the car.

"Usually, I just park around back," Dean explained, "But you've got all your stuff in Baby and I thought this would keep it safe."

Castiel smiled at Dean's thoughtfulness and allowed himself to be lead by the hand up a flight of stairs. When they got to the top, Dean motioned for them to be quiet.

"Sorry," Dean gestured vaguely across the hall once they were safely behind the closed door of Dean's apartment, "My brother's home and he took an early night. I dint want us to wake him. He's going to visit his girlfriend tomorrow and needs an early start, so unfortunately you won't get to meet him. I think he's going to propose and ask her to move in tomorrow. I found the ring when I was putting away his laundry."

"That's wonderful!" Castiel said, stifling a yawn behind his hand, "How old is he?"

"He's twenty six, four years younger than me," Dean answered, "Come on, let's go to bed. I assume you're okay sharing."

Castiel nodded, yawning again, this time not even bothering to try and hide it. Following Dean into his bedroom, he sat on the bed and barely caught the sweats and tee-shirt Dean chucked at him. Following Dean's example, he changed in the room and tossed his clothes from the day on the armchair in the corner.

Dean turned on a lamp, telling Castiel to shut off the main light. Climbing into bed, Dean held up the comforter for Castiel to slide under. Snuggling into Dean's side, Castiel sighed contentedly.

Dean clicked off the light, "Goodnight, Angel."

"Goodnight, Stud-Muffin."

As soon as Castiel closed his eyes he fellasleep and Dean followed soon after lulled into the darkness by Castiel's quietbreathing, both feeling safe in the other's embrace.

Café Traviesa (Supernatural - Castiel/Dean)Where stories live. Discover now