Chapter 12

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I woke with a start, gasping for air, my heart hammering in my chest. My hands were still tingling, the warmth from the dream so vivid I could swear I felt the flames licking at my skin. The remnants of the fire haunted me, flickering in my vision as I stared up at the ceiling. I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths, trying to steady the wild pounding of my pulse. The dream had felt too real, too intense. I ran my hands over my arms as if to reassure myself I was still whole, untouched by the fire.

But the echoes of it remained. The shadows, the fire, the voice telling me to control it. Control the flames. Could I? I wasn't sure. The dream had been a chaotic swirl of power, and for all its allure, I didn't know if I had the strength to master it.

As I pushed myself out of bed slipped out of my sleepwear. Eldrin's words from the day before lingered. My parents... they had known. And they had died for it. The thought was a jagged stone lodged in my chest, sharp and painful every time I breathed. The Empress had known too. She had known and locked me away, leaving me to rot in here for years.

The new uniform Eldrin had crafted for me lay neatly folded on floor by my bed, and I could see the faint shimmer of the silver thread woven into the seams. I ran my hands through my dark hair, it reminded me of the pitch-black smoke from my dream. I couldn't get the fire out my damned head! Fire. Was it really mine to control? Or would it control me?

There was no time for hesitation. Not anymore. If the Commander was right, if war was truly coming, I would need every bit of strength I could muster. I needed freedom. So I have to be ready, whether I like it or not.

I slip on my uniform and decide with much reluctance I need to find Commander Levine. He said something about training, and I didn't have anything to do and if I have to be ready, then I have to train. But I had no idea where the training grounds even were.

Stepping into the hallway, the stone walls seemed even colder than before. My fingers brushed over the fabric of my uniform as I hesitated. I hated feeling so lost, so... helpless. But I couldn't wander aimlessly. 

I walked quickly to the Commanders office just to find it was empty. The usual guards posted at the doors were also absent. I'd have to find him myself then. I wander through the halls trying to find another human being in the vastness of this place.

I stop, finally spotting a pair of guards at the end of the hall, I gathered my courage and approached them, feeling small, even in my matching or rather better looking uniform. They were deep in conversation, and I hesitated to interrupt. 

"Excuse me," I said quietly, my voice barely audible over the soft murmur of their conversation. One of the guards glanced at me, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Do you know where I can find Commander Levine?"

They exchanged a brief glance, then one of them pointed down the corridor. "He's usually by the central courtyard this time of morning. Just follow this hall, then take the stairs to the upper level."

I nodded quickly, whispering my thanks, and followed where the guards directed me. My heart pounded in my chest each step feeling heavier than the last. The idea of possibly sparring, of being thrown into a world of soldiers and warriors, filled me with an uneasy dread.

The hall opened up to a large stone staircase that spiraled up into the upper levels. I ascended carefully, the air growing warmer with each step. My fingers brushed against the rough stone of the walls, grounding me, reminding me that this was real, that I was here- alive. Not locked in a cell, not burning in my dreams.

When I reached the top, the corridor widened into a massive courtyard overlooking crashing waves. The clang of metal rang out in the distance, and I could hear the sharp commands of soldiers training. My stomach churned with nerves.

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