Chapter 14

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The night air was cool as it brushed across my skin, a sharp contrast to the fire I could still feel lingering inside me. the stars hung low over the Keep, their pale light offering little comfort as I stood at the edge of the training tower, alone with my thoughts. This place had become both a refuge and a prison. Each morning, I climbed the steps to train with Commander Levine, and each night I descended wearier than the last, my body sore and my mind a tangled mess of fear and hope.

My control over the fire was growing, I knew that much. But the more I pushed, the more I could feel its resistance. Like a wild beast tethered just out of reach, it thrashed and roared, reminding me with every flicker of heat that it could consume me at any moment.

Tonight, the fire felt particularly close.

"Focus," I whispered to myself, my breath clouding in the cool air. I stretched my hands out in front of me, palms open, and let my mind slip into the familiar rhythm I had been practicing. The air around me shimmered, the warmth building slowly as I coaxed the fire into existence. A small flame flickered at the tips of my fingers, dancing in the night like a wisp of life, fragile and powerful all at once.

For a moment, I felt it- a delicate balance, a connection to something deeper. The flame bent to my will, obeying my silent command. It twirled and spun, a living thing under my control. A thrill went through me, but with it came fear. Could I keep this balance? Could I hold the fire without letting it escape?

Just as quickly as the thought entered my mind, the flame wavered. I could feel it slipping, the heat intensifying beyond what I wanted. My heart raced, panic bubbling up inside me as the flame began to grow, stretching up my arm.

"Stop," I hissed through clenched teeth, trying to wrestle the power back under control.

But it didn't stop.

The fire surged, hot and wild, spiraling up my arms and threatening to engulf me. I stumbled backward, my pulse quickening as I struggled to contain it, to make it obey. The warmth was unbearable now, the heat searing my skin, and in my panic, I could feel the fire slipping beyond my reach.

And then, just as the flames began to roar, a voice cut through the chaos.


I spun my head towards him, my heart beating so loud he could probably hear it, even over the flames. Commander Levine stood at the edge of the roof, his dark eyes steady as they met mine. His voice was calm, authoritative, cutting through the noise in my head.

"Focus," he said. "Breath."

I tried to obey, my chest heaving as I forced myself to take a breath, The fire still raged licking at my skin, but Levine's presence grounded me. Slowly, the flames began to shrink, retreating back down my arms until they vanished entirely. I sunk to the floor, trembling, skin slick with sweat despite the cold night air.

"You're still afraid of it," Levine said, his voice low as he stepped closer. "That fear is what's holding you back."

I shook my head, still breathing heavily. "I'm trying."

"The fire is not your enemy Elora." He said, trying to reassure me.

His words made rounds in my head, but I wasn't sure if I believed them. The fire felt like an enemy- one that could easily destroy me if I let it.

"You should get some rest," he said, probably noticing how spent I was.

I nodded silently and cast one look at the starts before standing and making the long journey down the seemingly endless stairs and back to my room. The Keep was quiet at this hour, the corridors dark and still, with only the occasional flicker of a torch casting faint shadows on the walls. The stone beneath my bare feet was cool, grounding me as I padded silently through the hallways.

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