The Sudden Disappearance

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A long time ago...

A war broke out between two races...

Humans... and monsters...

The humans trapped the monsters underground with magic and there the monsters lived...

Until one day... a human child fell into the mountain...

Chara was their name and so they lived there with the king of monsters, queen of monsters and their son. Asriel.

But their happiness...their hope...was short lived...

Chara fell ill...Their last request was to see the yellow flowers from their old village.

The prince, Asriel, full of grief, absorbed their soul and turned into a being with incredible power...

With this power Asriel took the humans body to the surface to lay them in a bed of yellow flowers in the center of their old village.

The humans saw him with the dead child, frightened, they attacked without mercy...

Asriel did not fight back and instead went, with Chara's body in his arms, back to the underground.

As he reached his parents he collapsed turning to dust as monsters do when they die...

King Asgore, mad at the humans for taking their happiness and hope from them once again...declared war on the humans.

The Queen, disgusted with his actions left to there old home. The ruins. The underground was in a time of great despair.

As the years passed the monsters of the underground healed from that sad day, hopeful that they will escape the underground once the king has finished collecting all seven human souls and break the barrier that is keeping them there.

It was a snowy day as usual in Snowdin town. The monsters buzzed about, selling, buying and playing. The shopkeeper looked around at the monsters before her. Monster kid then suddenly ran up to her.

"Dude! Dude! Undyne said to watch for Papyrus! He's been gone all day!"

"Oh...Is that so? Well what about Sans?"

"Oh he's fine. He's in his house... I think..."

"That's good. I'll be sure to keep a look out for Papyrus though! Thanks for telling me, hon."

"No problem, dude!"

Monster kid then scurries of but not without tripping a few times.

The shopkeeper chuckles a bit. "Well thats not something you hear everyday...Papyrus is missing huh? Better tell my Sis..."

In Sans and Papyrus' house...

Sans sat quietly on the couch seemingly not bothered by the fact the TV is on with just a white screen. "Weird. ... Well i guess a lot of weird things have been happening lately though...Papyrus disappearing is one thing and this TV is another...I wonder what will happen next..." Sans shrugged, "if only i was motivated enough to go look, heh."

Sans looked at Papyrus' room door for a moment. "...He's fine..." Suddenly the TV screen changed to black and Sans found himself standing in a black void. " just gonna guess this wasn't supposed to happen..." Sans started walking until something stopped him. A wall. "a wall in a void...thats totally normal..." Sans followed the wall for a minute then he got to a corner. As soon as he touched where the two walls met the black room changed into a white void. "cool." Sans stood there for a moment, wondering if he should try to get out or go to sleep. "...well it'd be a shame to not to sleep in all the places in the world right?" Sans then laid down and closed his eyes.

Sry it wasnt that long. Im trying to figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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