The Nightmare

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The village of Eldoria had settled into a peaceful rhythm since Ash's return. The days were filled with rebuilding homes and bonds, laughter echoing through the streets as life slowly regained its warmth. At night, the village rested under the calm embrace of the stars, free of the fear that had once plagued them. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the villagers slept soundly.

But for Ash, sleep had become a prison. Each night, as his body rested, his mind became a battleground, haunted by the memories of Lord Thorne's cruelty and the darkness that had almost consumed him. No matter how hard he tried, the nightmares refused to let him go.

On this particular night, the air was cool and still, the village bathed in the soft glow of the moon. Inside the quiet healer's hut, Serena, who had been keeping a close watch on Ash, finally allowed herself to drift into a peaceful sleep, believing that Ash would find the same rest.

As Ash slept, his mind was pulled into a nightmare so vivid, so suffocating, that it felt real. He was back in that dark, damp cell where Thorne had held him captive. The iron chains were wrapped tightly around his wrists and ankles, cutting deep into his skin as he struggled to free himself.

Thorne's voice echoed from the shadows, cruel and mocking. "You thought you could escape me, Ash? You'll never be free. You'll always belong to me."

Ash strained against the chains, the metal biting into his flesh, but the harder he fought, the more the darkness closed in. The walls of the cell seemed to draw closer, the air thick with suffocating dread. Thorne's laughter filled the space, a twisted reminder of the suffering that had been inflicted on him.

In a sudden, jarring shift, Ash found himself back in Eldoria, but it was no longer the village he had fought to protect. Flames roared through the streets, turning homes into smoldering ruins. The once vibrant village was nothing but a burning wasteland. And in the center of the destruction stood Thorne, his eyes glowing with sadistic glee.

"This is your doing," Thorne sneered. "This is the cost of your failure."

Ash collapsed to his knees, the weight of guilt and shame crushing him. The village had fallen, and it was his fault. The screams of the villagers rang in his ears, but when he looked for them, they were nowhere to be seen. He was alone, surrounded by flames and destruction.

The nightmare took another terrifying turn. Ash was back in the torture chamber, his body wracked with searing pain as the memories of every lash, every burn, and every wound tore through him. He screamed in agony, but the sound was swallowed by the overwhelming darkness.

In reality, Ash's scream pierced the night—a raw, guttural sound filled with terror and anguish, ripping through the quiet village like a shockwave.

Ash's scream shattered the stillness of the night. Villagers jolted awake, fear coursing through them as the sound reverberated through the streets. Children clung to their parents, their eyes wide with terror, as everyone rushed outside, unsure of what was happening.

Serena was the first to reach Ash's room. She found him thrashing in his bed, drenched in sweat, his face contorted in pain and fear. His eyes were open, but it was clear he was still trapped in the nightmare's grip.

"Ash! Ash, wake up!" Serena cried, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him gently but firmly. "It's not real! You're safe! You're home!"

But Ash couldn't hear her. His body trembled as the terror of the nightmare kept him chained in the past. His screams continued, each one more desperate than the last, filling the room with a sense of helplessness.

Outside, the villagers had gathered, whispering in hushed tones, their faces etched with concern. They had never seen Ash like this. The strong, unbreakable hero they had always admired was now gripped by a terror so deep, it frightened them.

"Ash!" Serena's voice cracked as tears streamed down her face. She hated seeing him like this—so broken, so lost. "Please, come back to me. You're not there anymore. You're here, with us."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ash's screams began to fade. His body stilled, and his eyes, once filled with terror, slowly began to focus on the room around him. He gasped for air, his chest heaving as he struggled to orient himself.

"Serena?" Ash's voice was a hoarse whisper. He looked around the room, confused and disoriented. "Where... where am I?"

"You're home, Ash," Serena said softly, her voice filled with relief. She gently pulled him into her arms, holding him close as he trembled against her. "You're safe now. It was just a nightmare."

Ash buried his face in her shoulder, his body wracked with silent sobs. The terror still clung to him, the memories of his torture fresh and raw. But as Serena held him, he began to feel the solid, comforting presence of reality seep back in.

Outside, the villagers stood silently, watching the scene unfold. They had always seen Ash as a pillar of strength, someone who could weather any storm. But tonight, they saw him in a different light—vulnerable, human, and deeply scarred.

Slowly, one by one, the villagers approached the house, their hearts heavy with compassion for their hero. Some brought blankets, others offered warm tea, and the children, though frightened, clung to their parents, wanting to help in any way they could.

Serena, still holding Ash, looked at the villagers with tearful eyes. "Thank you... thank you for being here," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Ash... he's been through so much. Your support means the world to him."

The villagers nodded, their expressions soft with understanding. They knew Ash's recovery was far from complete. The physical wounds had healed, but the emotional scars ran deep. And yet, they were determined to stand by him, just as he had always stood by them.

Ash, his breathing finally steadying, looked up at the villagers gathered around him. Their presence, their unwavering support, filled him with a deep, overwhelming gratitude. His voice trembled as he spoke.

"I'm... I'm sorry," Ash said, his words barely audible. "I didn't mean to wake you all... I just..."

"There's nothing to apologize for," one of the elders said gently. "You've been through so much, Ash. We're here for you, just like you've always been there for us."

Ash's gaze met the elder's, and for the first time in what felt like forever, he allowed himself to believe it. He didn't have to carry the weight of his past alone. These people—his people—were with him. And though the nightmares might continue, he knew now that he would never

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