New beginnings

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Echo Ridge, Electopia

The sun was shining, it's golden rays cast upon the surface, the songbirds singing their lovely tunes

Today is a very big day for Geo and Omega Xis...

In Geo's room

It was 7:00 A.M in the morning, Geo's room was cleared, only his bags, luggages and his bed remain in his room.

The alarm clock began ringing loudly as usual, after a few seconds of ringing, Geo woke up sluggishly.

He was still in a sleepy state, it took him a few seconds to stand up upright,

At the same time when Geo was doing all of this, Omega Xis woke up from his slumber as well.

When he exited the HunterVG, he saw Geo was in the washroom, judging from the time, Geo was probably brushing his teeth.

Omega Xis was confused on what was going on, he has a Abit of an idea that the day is a important but everything else he forgot it.

To search for answers, Omega Xis exited Geo's room, outside of Geo's room he saw Geo's parents waking up around the same time as well, Geo's Dad was talking on the phone, while his mom was moving her luggage near to the entrance door.

Geo's dad finished his call and saw a confused Omega Xis standing there.

Geo's dad said: "Did you forget already? Chuckles as usual!"

Omega Xis was Abit offended by this remark but he can't deny it, Omega Xis replied: Sigh "I admit it Kelvin....I forgot what today was supposed to be...I shouldn't have stayed up all night playing video games..."

Geo's dad laughed upon hearing that, he then said:
"Sorry for that!, but basically we are moving out of town because I have a new job there, don't worry we are still in Electopia, and this new place is a pretty well known place!"

Omega Xis was left scratching his head, the only information he registered is him moving to a new place and thats it.

After that, Geo opened his room door and starting walking out the room.

Geo's dad said: "Oh Geo, I think you should bid farewell to your friends before we leave and don't forget to wear your glasses kid!"

Geo pulled out his glasses out of pocket and reluctantly wore it, he went outside for one last walk around Echo Ridge.

Omega Xis trailed behind Geo as well

Geo was feeling very gloomy, as he went to the park, he just stared onto the ground while walking...

Geo then said: "So this is the last day here eh?...never thought I would come to this moment, I knew this would happen someday...but like this..."

Omega Xis took notice of Geo's gloomy state, and in a reassuring voice replied:
"Brother, this doesn't mean we can never visit this town forever!, infact moving to whatever the new place is a chance to have a new beginning and create a newer,stronger and better version of yourself!, think about all the opportunities!"

Geo's face turned from sadness to feeling Abit better, he was happy Omega Xis began to grow more mature!

Geo and Omega Xis walked around the park seeing all the familiar sights and spots for one last time.

Soon, Geo and Omega Xis headed towards an extremely personal and special place for them...Vista point

As soon as Geo entered the place, a rush of memories came upon him!

The good, the bad but all of them are precious in their own ways!

Geo was walking up the stairs, he could vividly remember all the times he did this same things over and over again

He reached the top of Vista point, he then looked up at the sky as he used to do before everything happened.

Omega Xis was reminiscing about his past experiences too, remembering the process of getting used to earth and every thing he had done upto this point.

Omega Xis said: "Man.. isn't it insane how far we have come?...from being a
terrorist to a's insane..."

Geo replied: "'s really insane how far we have come.."

Omega Xis: Chuckles "Though you look goofy with your prescription glasses!"

Geo: Stutters "We don't talk about that!..."

While this was happening, Geo and Omega Xis heard familiar foot steps coming closer to them...

Luna, Bud and Zach were talking towards Geo, Geo immediately put away his glasses and looked back at them.

Luna, she didn't look stoked at all, she had a bit of a sad expression on her face, she then said:
"So... the day has come...I knew all of us are gonna leave Echo Ridge someday...but didn't think you would leave this early....that's okay.., you may be in a different place but no matter what we are still friends...have a good journey and hope you do well..."

Bud and Zach shouted "Yeah!" In unison to further driver her point across!

Bud: "Geo, I wish all the best for you!, and come visit us anytime you want!"

Zach: "Wish the best for you too Geo, we fellow nerds will never forget about eachother!"

Taurus and Pedia materialized too!

Taurus was feeling pumped as usual, he is feeling extremely determined!, he then said:
"Bye Mega!, remember when we will meet eachother again!, I will be a completely different beast!"

Pedia has a neutral stance, he didn't have any strong feelings, he said:
"I hope you two have a good time up ahead!, according to my statistics you two have a high probability to do so!"

Geo's hunterVG started to ring, signalling him to leave Vista point,

He looked all of them and then said:
"Thank you...for everything you have done"

Geo then reached his hand out for a handshake.

He shaked hands with Luna and Zach but suddenly Bud full on bear hugged Geo!

Everyone had a good laugh out of that, Geo after that went downstairs before he left Vista point he looked back at them for one last time...

He then waved goodbye towards them and left Vista point for the last time....

While exiting he accidentally bumped into a sigh post!,

Omega Xis said: "Geo, you were given these glasses for a reason!, wear them or else you might fall into w pothole or something"

Geo: Sigh "Fine..." Wears his glasses

Geo walked towards his home, his parents were getting ready to depart, they had already packed up all of the luggages including Geo's ones.

Geo entered the car, he was sitting at the backseat, he had the entirety of it for himself, his parents then sat on the front seats, with his dad being driving the car.

Few minutes later, the car started, and began to drive.

After this moment, Geo's life will be changed for the better or the worse..

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