A New Residence

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Highway, Electopia

It was 3 hours into the whole journey, yet after all that, they didn't reach their destination yet!

Geo was staring at through the window looking at the changing scenery,

Throughout the journey, the environment and surroundings gradually began to have a more tropical look.

From pine, to oak and then palm trees began to appear.

It all seemed instant to Geo, but he simply knew that he was just perceiving time weirdly and that was it.

Omega Xis however was getting bored, really really bored infact, he was quickly losing patience and composure!

He just wanted to step outside and do something other then stare at trees and listening to the same songs at the radio!

Geo could see Omega Xis actively fight the urge to complain about everything, so he decided to step in.

Geo: "I guess its a little boring staring at the surroundings, maybe you could spend the time sleeping through the journey, you really don't have the best sleeping patterns here!"

Omega Xis: Sigh "I wish...but how the hell do people sleep inside of moving cars!"

Omega Xis almost banged his arms upon the glass but he stopped himself just in time.

Geo snorted: "Can't sleep huh?, you would always make a mess asleep or not asleep!"

Omega Xis was pissed off!, before Omega Xis could do anything.... Geo's mom looked back at the two....looked pissed off...

Geo and Omega Xis immediately went silent and returned to staring at the window, not doing anything at all!

His mom then looked away, when she did that Geo and Omega Xis whispered to eachother to not trigger his mom again.

Omega Xis: Whispers "Your mom is terrifying!...like even I am scared of her!"

Geo: Whispers "Yeah, if she has a slipper, she could knock out anyone..like anyone...even my dad is scared of my mom when she is pissed off!"

Omega Xis: Whispers "Man..I thought your mom was laid back...until your dad was revived... after that your mom went full psycho mode after that..."

Geo: Whispers "Mom has always been like that, just when dad was gone she was tamer, once dad was revived...she went back to her normal self again"

Omega Xis: Whispers "Dang....maybe we should give your mom some EM powers, she could take on everything all by herself with that temper!"

Geo slowly nodded trying not to direct any attention towards him and Omega Xis.

After that, Geo and Omega Xis were staring through the window once again, but luckily this time they weren't in a random highway, there is actual civilization for once.

Omega Xis was silently chuckling at amusing sights he saw.

He saw some really bad spelling mistakes in billboards, random dudes due random funny things and more!

Geo meanwhile was more interested in the landmarks and nature, he could recognize multiple types of trees and birds, the landmarks he saw and with the help of signs he could figure out that they are halfway through the journey.

4 hours later....

It was becoming night time, luckily they have reached the destination city.

They had arrived at Bayside city!, it was a coastal city brimming with life even at night!, there were people of all kinds walking through the streets.

Another thing as diverse as the people were the places in the city, there were the coastal resorts and beaches, most people however lived far from the shore in suburban areas.

In the suburbs the streets were mostly clean and paved and it actually looks like a pedestrian friendly place.

They were driving through the neighborhoods, after a few minutes at night

They reached their new home, Infront of the house, a man was standing Infront, he was wearing a proper formal outfit, he looked like a professional. Overall looked like an average male with a high paying job.

Geo's parents exited the car, and immediately began to talk with that man as they entered inside their new home as they were talking.

Geo was very very sleepy, he stumbled his way out of the car,

Thank goodness there were some wizards to carry all the luggages.

Geo entered his new home for the first of many times, right away the house is bigger then his old house.

The kitchen and dining table are now in seperate rooms, and there are two floors.

The staircase leading up to the 2nd floor was standard, nothing too fancy or extra.

However at this time, no furniture was set up yet, only the ones that was already in the house were there.

Luckily, the wizards with their speed quickly arranged all of the new furnitures, set up all the heating and Air conditioning systems and all other necessary stuff.

Geo immediately stumbled across the hallways trying to find his new room.

Luckily it's obvious where he would be staying just by looking at the size of the beds, his parents would probably have a king sized bed, while Geo would get a full sized bed.

With that assumption, he checked out all the rooms to find his own one, there were 4 bedrooms in the entire house, each one was decently spacious.

The hallways were average, there was no creaking and everything seemed solid and stable,
There were hallways lights lightning up the hallways, The lights looked high quality.

After a few minutes of searching, Geo located his new room!

It was smaller then his parent's but still spacious, the wizards have already set up the beds, tables and lights, his luggages were on his full sized bed, they weren't opened yet..

So Geo had to arrange his entire room all by himself!, Geo pulled out his laptop and desk lamp and placed it on his desk.

His clothes which he put inside his new wardrobe.

After all that was completed, Geo plopped to his bed with no hesitation!

It was so refreshing for him to finally have a moment of quiet and piece after so long!

Even Omega Xis decided to not bother Geo, he was just checking every nook and cranny of the house.

Omega Xis was actually pretty happy with how it turned out, after exploring literally every corner of the house, he decided to go back to Geo's room.

Geo was fast asleep, he was so tired he
Is sleeping with jeans on.

Omega Xis decided to return to the HunterVG and go to sleep.

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