chapter two

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Simon's pov

I went to the house I knew all to familiar to me as I knock on the door there was no answer I figured she probably had work so I hoped in the uder ans asked the man ti take me to the clinic I know she worked at as I gave the man an extra pay grade for his kindness the drive was a few minutes.

We finally stopped in a parking lot, and I got out and thanked him. The guy smiled and drove off.

I let go of a breath I was holding for a good minute. I was nervous. I mean, what if she moved on or got herself a boyfriend I had so many thoughts going on that I was caught off gard by a lady walking in to the clinic to drop off her dog the sound of the bell snaped me out of my thoughts and I finally went in to the clinic.

As I looked around, there were some ladies and their dogs and cats sitting in the waiting area. The clinic smelled like dogs and their animals. I could hear two ladies whispering about me, I just rolled my eyes, and then again, I didn't have my mask on, so I looked a bit different, as I aproshed the fround desk lady she smiled at me "hello sir how can I help you" her voice was a sweet tone I looked at her and spoke "yes im sorry but is Ashley working" I asked she must have know who i was by the way her face lit up "yes sir she is i will go get her" she said as she turned around and almost ran to the back of the clinic to go get Ashley.

It was a few minutes because I heard my friend for the first time in 5 years "this better be important I have work to do before 12" she said as her and the frount desk girl walked to the fround she turned the corner and she froze in her place "hey ash long time no see" I said with a chuckle she stood there for another minute or two I could see tears in her eyes as she ran and hugged me I lifted her off the floor to get closer to her touch that iv missed for 5 years she started to cry in my neck as she spoke her words came out weird "you big Dummy! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home!!" I chuckled and apologized. The other ladies were just looking at me. Some of her coworkers were smiling other than this one guy.

I put Ashley down and she took a step back "you look good" she said "thank you not so bad your self" I said with a slight chuckle she did look different she had a new tattoo on her arm, her hair was half black half blong, and it was longer then the last time I saw her, and I could see she saved  the underneath of her hair I guess to be cooler her body was a bit more toned and she just looked way hotter.

"What time do you get off?" I asked "actually now paper work i can do at home," she said nodded."Want to go get lunch? " I asked she nodded and went to clock out to get her stuff.

We get to her car, and I open the door to the passenger side. "You want to drive?" She asked as she handed me the keys. i nodded, and she hoped in. I shut the door and then went to the drivers side. I hopped in and started the car. "korean?" I asked since that's our favorite place to go they owners know us pretty well due to us eating there every week before I went to the military."Get out of my head! Yes, korean!" She said as she slapped my arm. I chuckled and started to drive.

sorry for not posting but I hope yall like it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2024 ⏰

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