Chapter 3: A Normal Day

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Hi there my name is Belladonna Hellsing but must people just call me Bella and yes I have herd all the twilight jokes about my name. Trust me I am nothing like that Bella. For one I am 100% human. I am a trained Demon Hunter or what we in the Order call D.H's. I am the few minutes older sister to Van Helsing. the Best Friend to a Lykan named Tasha and the girl friend of the Chosen one Eric. To say my life is normal would be a joke but somehow with all the crazy we all do seem to find a way to live are lives. Why don't you walk a day in my shoe and I'll show you.

My days starts out normal. I live in a two bedroom apartment with Tasha I get myself out of bed. I am still a little stiff from the fight with the vamp in that cave. I take a lukewarm shower. I am not all about looking like a lobster when I get out. It's Saturday so I don't got to work at my normal job to day so I dress in my green tank top, blue crop, and my blue jeans with my knee high black 'hooker' boots, as my mom calls them.

Once in the living room I find Tosha eating her breakfast steak and eggs. From where I am I can see the steak is very very rare. "Umm, hungry this morning?" I ask.

Tosha spins and looks at me a bit of steak blood drips off her lip. "Ya I still have the taste of vamp ash in my mouth from last night." She replies and swallows. I have my normal protein shake and power bar and head over to the wall and pick up my car keys "I am heading to the gym." I say looking over at Tosha. She gives me a thumbs up and bites into the steak again.

Down in my parking spot for my apartment number sits my green Ford Mustang. I jump in and start it up and head down the highway to the town gym. It's in the old part of Hopes End, in a old run down warehouse.

As I pull up to the lot something just doesn't seem right. My brother says I'm just too jumpy and thinks something is there when there isn't. I just brush off the feeling, I'll look into it later when I go see Paster O'Ferrell.

I walk into the gym and head to my locker. There's a note taped to it. I stop in front of my locker and look at the note, the handwriting looks like Eric's. I unfold the note and read.

Hey Bells I was hoping to get to see you before I had to head to work but I got called in early. Hope your still team Eric with living with the dog and all.


The note brings a smiles to my face. I change in to my work out clothes and head to the gym floor. It's not that crowded for a Saturday which I like. I do a few reps on the leg press but I just can't shake this bad feeling. It's as if something is looming. After my leg reps I decide to take a quick shower get back into my street clothes and head to the Order Base.

Once I pulled in to the base there was people running all over the place. I get out of my car and run right into my brother. "Van what's going on?" I frantically ask.

"It's Eric!" He says. My heart drops and I turn ghost white. "He not..." I could not bring myself to finish the sentence.

"Oh no he just went crazy after some blood of a car wreck victim." He says and takes off running down the hall. I follow after him and in to one of the medical rooms. Eric was strapped to the table his skin was ash white his eyes and vanes were black and he was snarling like a wild animal. "What in the world is this?" I ask

"I don't know it took six guards to hold him down. If I did not have the needle of garlic and holy water. I don't think they would of stopped him." Van expands.

"One why did you have that on you? And two he changed in the ER his cover is blow." I snap.

"I already sent the Fixers. They will mind wipe and clean up everything. I am more worried on why he has gone to this form it's not his normal vamp look." Van says.

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