Chapter 4: The Helsing Name

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Hello, ladies and Germs my name is Van Helsing but the ladies can call me honeybun. Ok ok, Van is fine. I am a demon hunter wall if I am being truth fall I am the best demon hunter there is. The Helsing name has been animus with demon hunting and as the Newest Van Helsing it is my job to fight this endless war so how about you follow me for a day and just see what my life is like and what it means to be a Helsing.

So this little tail starts off with a note from the main chapter of the Order in Israel. Pastor O' Ferrall has Sent me my sister Bella who is also a DH like me. My best friend and Bella's boyfriend Eric who is a half Vampire Half Angel and finally my girlfriend Tosha who is a lycan. The Paster sent us to the city of sin also known as Las Vegas because a Nephalem has fully awakened and needs to be found and accessed in its allegiances to the Light and not the dark.

It was decided to take Tosha's SUV. It was the size we needed for carrying all our weapons and gear. Tosha sat in the driver's seat looking out the window, her eyes darting side to side. Her Vinson as a Lyckin gave their great reflexes as a driver able to go speeds us Humans can never handle. I was in the passenger seat fitting with my iPhone. In the back seat, Eric and Bella sit. His arms around my sister. A smile as huge as the grand canyon, sit on my sister's face. A week ago we almost lost Eric and Bella was doing all she could to not let Eric out of her sight. However, Tosha was now a little tense around my sister. Neither one would tell me why, just that it was a 'girl thing' whatever that means. Eric's eyes were staring out the window looking as if

he was light-years away. He always got like this when he was deep in thought. The last time I saw him like this we were deep in a campaign for the dragon Prince.... In D&D the table top game.

"Hey Van you going to play something or what," Tosha says, snapping me out of my daydreaming.

"Oh ya sorry how about some way worried son?" I ask looking back at my iPhone.

"Really man supernatural theme," Eric says still looking out the window.

"Oh bit me!" I shout a small grin comes over Eric's face.

"Sorry man I don't eat stall food." He says but still stays looking out the window.

Suddenly and completely out of the blue Tosha slammed on the brakes. My head popped up expecting red and blue flashing lights but there was none but for some reason, Tosha and Eric were poised ready to attack. Eric's eyes have turned blood red and his fangs grow out. Tosha's eyes now a golden color, her ears now shifting to the top of her head come to a point like dog ears, her hands and fingernails gone now thay we're just claws.

"What is it?" I shouted. But I didn't need a verbal answer because as I look before us the city of Las Vegas looks to be in flames not normal plain red and orange-yellow but a dark flame and evil flame I knew within a second that thoues flame was a portends an omen something terrible was rising in Las Vegas.

"Drive" my sister exclaimed. Tosha snapped out of her trans her foot pressing down on the gas pedal now flying at speeds beyond anything a normal car should do we enter the city still looking like it's in flame but all the Mories just walking around not noticing a single thing but still death loomed in the air I could taste, it was a foul terrible taste.

We drove to the local order chapter base. Heiden under a Youth Center. We checked in with the leader and they told us that the city has been on fire for the last three days.

"This is no normal omen nothing about a Nephilim could do this." Bella sides her hands flipping through a spill book she had brought with her.

"The air is foul." Eric declares.

"Ya even I can test it and I am only a DH," I add.

"Malachi, what is going on here?" Tosha Ordered her eyes ablaze looking at the chapter leader.

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