Chapter 3: A problem rarely comes alone

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Long story short: Lyra has tied my hands with a rope and is now dragging me who knows where. The rope, by the way, is a normal rope, woven together from ordinary fibers. Considering that until a few minutes ago my hands were literally on fire, this seems like a bad choice to drag me along. But unfortunately for myself, I really have no idea how I did it.

And so, we find ourselves making our way through the forest. Apart from the occasional chirping of the birds or the rustling of the trees, nothing can be heard. Lyra doesn't strike me as the talkative type and considering that I'm here, trailing behind her like a prisoner, I guess it makes sense that she doesn't want to talk to me. Another thing I noticed after my near-death experience is that the air in this place seems much denser than I was used to in the urban jungle. It's probably because this is the abyss. I don't even think it would be an exaggeration to say that I'm in a different world. But luckily I'm grown up enough not to be surprised by something like that...

Okay, that was a lie. I'm in another fucking world?! Holy shit, nobody could have predicted that something like this would happen! Who could also say that the bottom of the abyss has its own ecosystem and people living here?!

Okaaay, breathe in and out. A few deep breaths should bring me back down to earth and calm me down. Stay calm Asher, stay calm. "Where are you taking me?" Oops, I broke the rule about not talking. Well, whatever, hopefully Lyra doesn't see me smiling like a douche. Luckily, she walks ahead of me with the rope in her hand. "Shut up." Her reaction was cold as ever. But now that I have nothing to do, I don't give up. Please my guardian angels, protect me this once!

"Sorry, but I really have no idea where I ended up here or what kind of animals these things were or why they attacked me. Could you tell me a bit about it? Don't worry, I'll listen to you since I can't keep my ears closed." With a grin, I raise my arms and show that I can't hold them up to my face, but Lyra doesn't look back, just sighs once and seems to realize that the boredom is getting to her too. "You've landed in the forest of the kingdom of Avara. I'll take you to the capital and they'll discuss what to do with you." She lets out another sigh. She really doesn't feel like talking to me, but I guess it's more interesting for her to tell me a few things than to stay here in silence. Sorry, Lyra, but I'm really not the type to go anywhere in silence!

"And the "animals", as you call them, were bone hounds. Shy monsters that live in small packs and are exclusively scavengers. They usually only eat dead prey and are rarely seen, especially in daylight. You're lucky I found you. Even though bone hounds are usually shy and run away immediately at the sight of humans, their claws and fangs are tipped with an extremely strong poison that causes their victims to die in agony within a few hours."

That last sentence gave me goosebumps. Or no, wait. That wasn't goosebumps. Something is running down my spine and it's not an insect! It feels like a slight tingling sensation and I didn't pay it any attention until now, thinking it was just the nervousness making me imagine it, but... "Um, Lyra... hypothetically, what happens to people who've been scratched?" Even I notice my voice getting softer. "Anyone who is scratched suffers from a symptom called 'bone dilation' in a few minutes. The poison from the bone hounds mixes with your own bones and stimulates extreme growth, causing them to grow so much that they break through your skin and puncture your organs. This is what kills you after a few hours." Wow, I felt quieter than ever before, but my adventure in the new world is coming to an end very quickly, isn't it? "It's a stupid question, but there's no cure for it by chance, is there?"

At this question, Lyra turns around and stands still. "Why do you ask? It's rare for humans to be attacked by bone hounds, but their poison isn't too complex. I think there are cures for that." I think, she said! That's it! Everything in this world wants to kill me! I want to go home!

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