The Beginning

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The Beginning

Millions of years ago, long before the birth of Christ and before God became the center of believers, the world was ruled by the Greek gods. High on Olympus, they were led by Zeus, the god of thunder and the king of the gods, Poseidon, lord of the seas, and Hades, king of the underworld.

Alone in the world, Zeus summoned his subjects to a council, the Council of the Gods, where they discussed the possibility of creating a new species. The weight of this decision reverberated throughout Olympus. Finally, it was decided: thus, humans were born. Inferior beings, powerless, fragile, mortal, yet strong, determined, and capable of independence, though always dependent on the gods.

Two souls were crafted by Zeus and Hades. One of them was Ajax, the man, and the other, Faria, the woman. Both were equal, yet different. Upon their shoulders, as the firstborn of the human race, lay the mission to expand their species.

Centuries passed since the creation of Ajax and Faria, and the success of their mission. The humans, increasingly numerous, adapted and contributed to the development of their world, becoming completely devoted to the Greek gods. This pleased the gods. However, this devotion began to wane and fade as pride, greed, ingratitude, arrogance, and selfishness began to consume some humans, leading them to doubt the existence of the gods. Like a virus, doubt spread among all, provoking a revolt not only among the believers but also the non-believers.

The insolence of these people provoked the wrath of the gods, especially Zeus. Faced with the discord among the gods and the war raging among humans, the king of the gods was forced to make a decision to restore peace. He decided to cast out that which was dearest to him, Kratos, banishing him under the false pretense that he had incited the rebellion among humans during his visits to the mortal realm. Meanwhile, whispers among the gods suggested that something was amiss; not everything had been revealed. This heightened Zeus's fear that the truth would be uncovered.

Forced to abandon Olympus and any realm belonging to the Greek gods, Kratos, consumed by the fury of betrayal, rose in his exile and, with his extensive powers, constructed an island that was hidden, unreachable, and untouchable for both humans and gods. Its access and visibility were granted only to those who had the permission and support of Kratos. Except for one person, Aelyn, who secretly vanished with him. Her disappearance fueled suspicions and heightened the flames of Ares's rage, the god of war and, above all, Aelyn's fiancé.

With Aelyn's disappearance, the security of Olympus was reinforced, and searches were organized, but despite their efforts, it was in vain. Decades passed without any sign of her existence, and gradually, the gods gave up hope of her return. Everyone believed this, except Ares. Driven by his obsession for her, he never gave up. Until, in a desperate act, he stole a valuable and powerful artifact that guided him to a mysterious island—the island of Kratos—where he could not reach due to the barrier that protected it. Although he could not enter, he was able to glimpse the brilliant silhouette of Aelyn, who, besides being alive, was pregnant.

Consumed by the desire for revenge and rage, Ares confronted the king of the gods and demanded the head and blood of Kratos. Zeus, however, denied him permission, even after the god of war claimed that Kratos was the one who had stolen the powerful artifact that he himself had taken. Still, Zeus stood firm in his decision, not only out of fear that Ares would turn against him but also because he knew who he truly was and what he was capable of.

Ares, incredulous and blinded by his thirst for blood, planned and executed his revenge without Zeus's consent. A new race, the Lykóis, was created based on humans, giving rise to an army of men who could transform into giant wolves—warriors, terrible creatures, and hunters who would invade the island of Kratos and kill everything in their path.

To his misfortune, Kratos, sensing the winds of war, aimed solely to protect Aelyn and the unborn child, created a race—the Miktós—humans who could transform into felines of any kind: lions, panthers, tigers, jaguars, with abilities superior to those of humans.

In an instant, the foundations of Olympus and the underworld trembled with the onset of war. Divine, mortal, and newly created blood was spilled. The gods were forced to choose sides. Battles and destruction swept across the mortal world and Olympus alike.

Amid the chaos, Kratos's greatest fear came true: Aelyn and the unborn child were brutally murdered, leaving the exiled god to be consumed by unimaginable pain and unleash his wrath and powers, which he himself did not know he possessed. His warriors, the Miktós, were ordered to exterminate without mercy anyone who appeared before them. And so they did. Upon discovering the gods' weakness, they exploited it, and the fall of the Greek gods became inevitable.

In the end, only three goddesses remained, who made all tremble. The legendary Three Fates. Known as the goddesses of destiny, they sensed that their end was near. They used the remainder of their strength and powers to create an indestructible artifact, the Sacred Book. This book had the capacity to foresee the fate of everything and everyone. Nearing their deaths, they cast a terrible curse upon the children of Kratos: felines and dragons, creatures that would never find soulmates. Destined to live without true love, they could procreate and marry but would never find a soulmate.


   As the echoes of war reverberate through the realms, the fate of gods and mortals intertwines in a battle for survival. What will become of the Lykóis and the Miktós? Will the curse of the Three Fates prove unbreakable, or will hope emerge from the ashes of despair?

Join Arik and Sasha as they navigate a world torn apart by hatred and longing, where love defies all odds. The journey has just begun, and the choices they make will shape the destiny of their kind.

Stay tuned for what comes next, where secrets are revealed, alliances are forged, and the line between friend and foe blurs. Can love conquer the ancient grudges that threaten to destroy them all?

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  Núria A.

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