Chapter 1

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka stirred awake, feeling an unusual weight pressing down on him. As he blinked against the dim light of his dorm room, confusion washed over him. The familiar contours of his surroundings—the cluttered desk, the neatly made bed—felt strangely distant, as if viewed through a foggy lens.

"Where... am I?" a voice echoed in his mind, soft and anxious.

Horikita? Ayanokoji realized, a surge of awareness flooding through him. They were merged, sharing not just thoughts but an entire consciousness.

"No class today," Horikita replied, her voice a mixture of relief and unease. "At least we have time to figure this out." They were in their second year at Advanced Nurturing High School, a time when expectations and challenges were rapidly increasing.

Ayanokoji focused inward, feeling their thoughts intertwining. It was a surreal experience, like two rivers flowing together yet struggling for dominance. As they both tried to sit up, their movements felt clumsy and uncoordinated, as if they were tangled in the same strings.

"We need to gain control," he thought, trying to assert dominance over their shared body, but the effort felt futile.

Glancing into the mirror, he was startled by the reflection staring back at him. Their eyes shimmered with a mix of colors: a neutral hue combining Ayanokoji's deep brown and Horikita's reddish-pink. The sight sent a jolt of realization through both of them.

"What is happening to us?" Horikita asked, her thoughts laced with concern. "We're... merged."

"I don't know," Ayanokoji admitted, his voice devoid of emotion. Memories of the White Room flooded into his mind: cold, sterile walls, the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, and the suffocating feeling of being watched. The weight of those memories threatened to pull him under.

A wave of discomfort washed over him as he began to see fragments of Horikita's memories her struggles in class, her desire for connection, and the moments of vulnerability she kept hidden beneath her stoic facade. Yet, amid those glimpses of her life, he felt a growing panic radiating from her.

"What... is this?" Horikita thought, her heart racing. "What's happening to me?"

Ayanokoji felt her emotions crashing over him like a tidal wave. Fear. Confusion. Despair. It was overwhelming, and he could sense her panic intertwining with his own thoughts. "You're experiencing my memories," he replied, his voice steady even as the storm raged around them. "And I'm seeing yours."

"What do you mean?" she asked, disbelief etched across her mind.

"Your memories are flooding in alongside mine," Ayanokoji explained, focusing on the whirlwind of feelings emanating from her. "I can see everything you've been through—the struggles, the expectations, the loneliness."

"No... no! This is too much!" Horikita thought, panic rising within her. "How could anyone endure that? How did you survive?"

"I learned to analyze and adapt," Ayanokoji replied, still calm in the face of their shared turmoil. "Fear is a distraction. I had to learn not to let it consume me."

"Fear? How can you say that?" she thought, disbelief and panic intertwining in her mind. "You were trapped in that nightmare! How can you just brush it off?"

"I don't let my past control me," he stated, his thoughts unwavering. "I use those memories to understand my strengths and weaknesses. That's how I navigate this world."

"I can't believe you!" Horikita's thoughts echoed, filled with incredulity. "You're so detached! You should feel something about it!" The weight of his memories pressed down on her, amplifying her distress as she tried to process the horrors he had faced.

"Your fear is understandable," Ayanokoji replied, feeling the tumult of emotions swirling around them. "But we can't let it control us. I sense your panic, and it's affecting our ability to think clearly."

"Panic? Of course I'm panicking!" Horikita shot back, her mind racing. "You don't know what it's like to experience those memories! How could you endure such pain and not feel anything?"

"I felt it," he admitted, the depth of his past slipping into his thoughts like shadows. "But now I also feel your memories. Your insecurities, your moments of loneliness, your determination to succeed."

Ayanokoji could feel her emotions wash over him—her sense of inadequacy when comparing herself to her classmates, the burden of her expectations, and the loneliness that often accompanied her ambition. He understood her struggle all too well, and that understanding only heightened her panic.

"What are you feeling?" Horikita asked, her mind trembling with raw emotion. "How can you bear to face all of this?"

"I feel everything you're feeling," Ayanokoji replied, attempting to remain composed. "But we must separate our fears from our reality. This experience is new, but we have to confront it together."

"But I'm scared!" Horikita admitted, fear flooding her thoughts. "I'm terrified of what we might face because of your past! I don't want to go through that kind of pain!"

"Fear can be a weakness, but it can also be a strength," Ayanokoji said. "Use that fear to fuel your resolve. Don't let it control you."

With a deep breath, Horikita tried to steady herself. "I won't let it control me," she asserted, her determination igniting within her. "But we need to confront it. I refuse to be a victim of my past, just like you!"

Ayanokoji nodded inwardly, recognizing her resolve. "Agreed. We must be strategic. We can't let those memories dictate our actions."

"Then let's redirect that fear into understanding our new reality," she suggested, her thoughts growing steadier.

With that shared resolve, they began to formulate a plan. Together, they would navigate the complexities of their merged existence, facing both their pasts and the challenges that lay ahead. As they took their first steps into this new chapter, Ayanokoji and Horikita knew they had a long road ahead—but together, they might just find a way to thrive.



Next Chapter will be released probably on Friday

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